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Original poster
Mar 19, 2005
Normally: when you drag a file from an external drive to the Desktop (for example), the file will copy (meaning the file remains on the external HD AND the desktop)

Is there a way to JUST drag the file and it moves, rather than copies? (like an option, or a keyboard shortcut?)


Original poster
Mar 19, 2005
Yes, if you select the edit menu and hold down the "Option/alt" key you'll see the change in the copy and paste commands that cause it to move finder items instead of copying.
Or cmd+c to copy and cmd+alt+v to paste
Drag, and before you drop, pressing the OPTION key should toggle a green + icon on your cursor. If it's there, then it'll do a copy operation when you drop. If it's not there, it'll do a move operation.
Thanks to all three of you. This little trick will improve my workflow greatly. Thanks again!
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macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
I've found that the "usual keyboard tricks" by which to move files (instead of copy them) are often flaky -- in that sometimes they work, and other times they don't.

Sometimes it's just easiest to copy the files you intend to move, then verify that the copy was good, and then delete the originals.

Another way that DOES work is to use PathFinder's "move" option.

I can't understand why Apple didn't put a "Move..." command into the Finder's File menu. Would make things much easier.
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