Awww, Bob, your story got a story <tears of joy and hope>. Sounds like an AI generated an unhelpful spew and image, about how nice we all are to dig into this with you. <sniff> Not linking it here because it's ********. The Story, not the nice part. We are all very very nice. Except me. I'm mean. But the rest of MacrRumors is very, very, very, nice, indeed. What were you asking? Oh, yeah...
Most responses here correctly describe
TCP/IP network Ports. And those answers are correct. In this context, PORT belongs to the protocols various applications use. There are many, many ports. HTTP is 80. HTTPS is 443. SFTP is 22, etc., etc., Your Mac listens for ALL of them while the associated application or service is running.
It is possible that you need to determine a
COM PORT -- an old-school
Serial Port with an address number representing a
PHYSICAL HARDWARE SOCKET for a CABLE, at the end of which the app expects to find a radio.
The bad news is that Macs with USB don't have Serial ports, per se.
The good news is that you can get a USB to SERIAL TTY adapter. They're not expensive, though you should avoid cheapies. Try Belkin or BlackBox adapter with the FTDI chipset, which doesn't require extra drivers.
<< Edit: just occurred to me that the radio might have come with such an adapter cable if it was offered as being Mac-Aware at all. >>
THEN with the gear connected, you need to determine that pesky physical port address (which the Mac OS will have picked out for it). It's possible that the Mac OS System Information utility will detect and show a COM port for the adapter. If so, you're off to the races. If not, you might have to resort to the Terminal. I'm not much good, here, because I avoid command prompts like the plague (I picked Mac back in 1987 specifically to not confront a gall dern command prompt ever again! I digress...) I have had luck identifying serial com ports with these commands in the Mac Terminal:
ls /dev/tty*
then Find the device (adapted TTY port) that's associated to your usb port.
ioreg -c IOSerialBSDClient | grep usb
then find the IOSerialCallOutDevice
Hope this gets you a little further, at least. There must be terminal-using engineers in MacRumors somewhere with better advice, now that the scope of the issue is broadened out a bit. Maybe someone has a shell script to run, or even an app to get reliable port specs.