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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 19, 2003
I do not have a text plan:

How do I disable the iPhone's built in SMS program so I do not receive text messages and avoid being charged .20 per text?

That said, what's the latest word on the "best" app for "free" texting on the 3G -- and I guess IM, since that is a bit different.

I'm reasonably sure you can call AT&T ans have them block text messages altogether.
Thanks guys. I'll give them a call about blocking texts, and then look into the apps for free texting options.
Infinite SMS is my favorite so far

infinate SMS has been removed thanks to google talk not being able to handle all the new users. :)
Plus it was dependant on users having google accounts.

So, then what would be the 2nd best option??

i use pinger phone which allows you to text for free to any contact but replies i believe come back as texts to you, so its only a free one way street, if the app is not already open.
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