I have a problem. I have just bought dividers for school and I need microspft WORD for the templates to work. Is there any program that lets me use the templates?
Depends how they are constructed. ICWord might, Appleworks might. Or you might be hoop'd. Try goin File: Import or File: Open from Appleworks. I assume you no longer or never had the Office 2004 30-day test drive version? http://www.microsoft.com/mac/default.aspx?pid=office2004td
If you have a fast internet connection you can download it. but go in and search and destroy any traces of previous Office test drive versions first if you have any. Maybe someone else can tell you if there are critical fiels to find and delete.
No shivering here. M$ Word for Mac is by far more stable and feature filled than for XP. I am not happy with Micro Soft's monopoles), but their Office suite is good set of tools. Luckily, if Apple's competing office software dont catch on, China, India, or Pakistan will likely code a less expensive, more feature filled product with in the decade.- But digress-