For one reason or another after downloading the 2.0.1 firmware through safari and safari decompressing the zip it made i am left with a folder called iPhone1,2 which is about 250mb big
This folder contains 3 .dmgs a firmware folder a .plist file and a file thats called kernelcahe....(something or other).
As i do not have the original file safari downloaded and can't redownload (im out in the sticks on dialup) does anyone know how i can compress the folders ive got into a .ipsw.
I've tried archiving my main folder then changing the extension and i've tried making a dmg and changing the extension(didnt pursue all routes with this though).
If anyone knows what i should do to get a .ipsw out of my folders then please let me know, or if someone could at least post the folders contained in the .ipsw (show package contents) then id know if im going seriously wrong here.
Thanks for the help (and hello to the forum! has been a godsend for finding quality information so far!)
For one reason or another after downloading the 2.0.1 firmware through safari and safari decompressing the zip it made i am left with a folder called iPhone1,2 which is about 250mb big
This folder contains 3 .dmgs a firmware folder a .plist file and a file thats called kernelcahe....(something or other).
As i do not have the original file safari downloaded and can't redownload (im out in the sticks on dialup) does anyone know how i can compress the folders ive got into a .ipsw.
I've tried archiving my main folder then changing the extension and i've tried making a dmg and changing the extension(didnt pursue all routes with this though).
If anyone knows what i should do to get a .ipsw out of my folders then please let me know, or if someone could at least post the folders contained in the .ipsw (show package contents) then id know if im going seriously wrong here.
Thanks for the help (and hello to the forum! has been a godsend for finding quality information so far!)