I'm agreeing with kagharaht and BLUEDOG314. Pulling the old stuff back over a new install might just re-introduce the real problem.
Clean install is such an old school Windows things to do (not that it might not fix the issue, but I have a 2008 MBP running well and only once re-installed clean: when I put in a SSD), but if going to do that, will want to re-inntroduce old/original items piecemeal. In other words, make sure the clean install is running well before re-installing things, otherwise you're back to square one.
First things first. Are both the machines configured the same re: software? Same programs installed and running? Same Safari/browser plugins/extensions (eg. I once had an ad blocker extension that caused serious performance issues)? Have you brought up Activity Monitor to see what processes might be consuming large amounts of CPU, and what about memory pressure?