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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 14, 2008
I have a serious issue with my iPhone. It keeps crashing when a certain number is calling me. Also when I try to call this number, I don't get the screen which allows me to hang up. I allready deleted the corresponding contact - but with no luck.

Now I restored my iphone to the original FW - reinstalled the backup, but the phone still kept crashing. Thus I jailbreaked the iPhone again.

Now I was thinking, maybe I can reinstall the original dialer app via ssh. I was thinking to unpack it somehow out of the IPSW file and copy it into the file system.

Is there a guide how to to this?
I could try that - but is there a way to restore the data of certain applications? I have entered a lot of data that I don't want to get lost.
Yes I understand, but I doubt the bugs are hidden in the application data of my shopping app for example. So if I shouldn't reuse the backup, I'm looking for a way to at least transfer the application data via SSH e.g. after a new install of the app. Can't this be done?
You could install AppBackup from Cydia, backup the data for the apps you want to keep data from, then copy the backup to a computer (I believe AppBackup comes with instructions on how to do that). Then restore the iPhone, set up as new, jailbreak, reinstall AppBackup. Install all your apps. Use AppBackup to "backup" data (even though the data would be basically blank, as you haven't used these apps yet after restore), then copy the backups you made before restoring the iPhone over the newer blank backups, then use AppBackup to restore the data.
Im not sure that AppBackup will restore itunes purchased apps application data. I thought that was only to restore jailbreak apps so you dont have to reinstall them all one by one.
Im not 100% on the SSH method, it might be posible to extract the data from the particular app and then maybe reinsert it to the correct folder of that program inside the iphone file system.
Im not sure that AppBackup will restore itunes purchased apps application data. I thought that was only to restore jailbreak apps so you dont have to reinstall them all one by one.

The one that reinstalls jailbreak apps is AptBackup. AppBackup backs up and restores data for App store apps.
Ok, I'll go with a clean install and Appbackup. Thanks.

Be careful with AptBackUp ! There are lots of horror stories about using it and I am one of them.

When I updated to 3.0.1, I used AptBackUp for the 1st time. Yes, all my Cydia apps came back, but when I looked at the file system in the phone, AptBackUp had installed numerous duplicate folders for everything that was JB, like 2 themes folders, one from 3.0.1 firmware and new JB with Redsn0w/Winterboard and AptBackUp put the old one from 3.0 back in. So Winterboard can only read one folder. Long story short, the file hierarchy of my phone was a complete mess with dozens of duplicate folders and files so I ended up having to do a restore and instead of a couple of hours to re-install all the JB stuff, it took about 6 hours.
Be careful with AptBackUp ! There are lots of horror stories about using it and I am one of them.

When I updated to 3.0.1, I used AptBackUp for the 1st time. Yes, all my Cydia apps came back, but when I looked at the file system in the phone, AptBackUp had installed numerous duplicate folders for everything that was JB, like 2 themes folders, one from 3.0.1 firmware and new JB with Redsn0w/Winterboard and AptBackUp put the old one from 3.0 back in. So Winterboard can only read one folder. Long story short, the file hierarchy of my phone was a complete mess with dozens of duplicate folders and files so I ended up having to do a restore and instead of a couple of hours to re-install all the JB stuff, it took about 6 hours.

After reading this, I double-checked my phone as I also used aptbackup for the first time with the move from 3.0 to 3.0.1

Fortunately, it looks like I had a good experience with aptbackup. No duplicate folders or anything, and all my Cydia apps back
Clean install and AppBackup worked flawless. I din't have to use AptBackup, as my Cydia Apps din't have important data.

The only thing that I have lost are all my notes that I've done with the original Notes Applications. AppBackup din't create I backup of this App. Is there a way to restore these notes from a old iTunes Backup which I still have?
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