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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 9, 2019

Still learning MacOS (coming from Win/Linux background). Today, I was trying to create a new folder and next thing I know, MacOS has created/inserted a few folder within the hierarchy of my files - above the folder I was working in. So, I was trying to do something like files/documents/photos/ and tried to create a new folder within the latter. Next thing I know, MacOS inserted/added a folder above the one I was in keeping everything above and and below. So, now I have files/documents/new folder/photos.

The problem is, I have a LOT of files to move now. Obviously, I can just drag/drop photos back into documents but clearly, there was some sort of keyboard shortcut which created that extra folder in the first place (still don't know what it is) so I wondered if there is some other command where I can easily remove it. Any info would be awesome. Thanks so much!

Running latest update of 11.6.x (updated today).


macrumors 604
Jan 26, 2014
Horsens, Denmark
If you mark (a) folder(s)/file(s), cmd+backspace puts it in .Trashes.
If you’re used to Linux you can also just pop open Terminal and use regular old rm, rmdir, mkdir, cp and mv to deal with files and folders
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