Sold my imac and was wondering the best way to have it restored back to new for the next owner? I did have to upgrade to leopard when I bought this. So I would like Leopard to be on there for next owner.
I used this method when I sold my previous iMac and the purchaser really appreciated getting the machine in basically the exact same state at which it arrived to me from Apple.
I used this method when I sold my previous iMac and the purchaser really appreciated getting the machine in basically the exact same state at which it arrived to me from Apple.
I'd love to run an data salvage application on a used Mac, just to see what kind of interesting stuff my former owner once had on the system... Just think, if he/she had sensitive data on there.. imagine how much it could sell for? HAHAHAH!!
[evil grin]
Personally, I never use the default HD Apple supplies, as soon as the Macs arrive the first thing I do is swap out the drives. Restoration for me would be as quick as swapping the drives out.