I found this guide on another site and i thought you guys might find it useful
Source: Pr0x.org
Edit: i found the guy's video for it too
This guide will explain how to ssh into your device. SSH-ing into your device gives you access to system files. The guides below require you to have a router.
Step 1. Go to:
-Click on the 'Download' tab
-Download the installation package
Step 2. Install the program and just keep clicking 'next'
-Restart your computer
Step 3. While your computer is restarting install Openssh through cydia. To do so open up the Cydia App. Click on the search button. Then type in: openssh. Install the item that comes up. Then reboot your device
Step 4. Go to your ipod/iphone and find out your device's ip address. To do that go to:
Click on the little arrow next to the name of the router your connected to
Your ip address should be shown
Step 5. Open up WinScp
Type the following into the designated spaces:
Host Name is the ip address of your device so type that into the space
Username is: root
Password is: alpine
Hit 'Login'
A popup might appear after a few seconds
Click either 'Update' or 'Yes'
Step 6. Type in the password (alpine) again if it prompts you to.
There you go. You now have access to your device.
Step 1. Download Open SSH from Installer
Step 2. Download Cyberduck
Step 3. On your ipod, go to setting then turn auto-lock to never (it will be in the general section)
Step 4. On your computer open up Cyberduck
Step 5. Then click on open connection, where it says protocol, change to where it says SFTP
Step 6. Where it says server type in your ipod's ip address. To find this go to settings then go to wifi ( on your ipod) then click on the blue arrow of the network your ipod is connected to, then it will say ip address.
Step 7. Back to cyberduck. Where it says server type in the IP address you just found.
Username: root
Password: alpine
then click connect.
Sometimes, it takes a few times, to connect, if it doesn't connect, try restarting your device. If that doesn't work, try resetting your router, and BAM. YOU CAN NOW SSH INTO YOUR IPOD.
I hope this helped!
Source: Pr0x.org
Edit: i found the guy's video for it too