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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 28, 2009

how do I show locations, which are around (e.g. 200 feet) around me?


Hi Robbie,

I've done this already, but the only thing I found was: getDistanceFrom (in CLLocation).

With this method, I would have to check every single point of my 1000 locations, wouldn't I?

There has to be another way to achieve this...
Hi Robbie,

I've done this already, but the only thing I found was: getDistanceFrom (in CLLocation).

With this method, I would have to check every single point of my 1000 locations, wouldn't I?

There has to be another way to achieve this...

What better way do you suggest? Either you have to check them or some library code (I'm not aware of) has to. A look should be able to check 1000 locations in no time at all...
The best thing would be an algorithm, which gets down from a higher level (e.g. all locations, which begin with 50 degrees North) to a lower level. I'm wondering, if this is already built in somewhere. :)
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