I have just place my order of 3G iPad yesterday, before the June 6 deadline. Will the option of unlimited data be available when I receive my ipad in like 2 weeks? Anyone know what will be the procedure on getting the unlimited data plan?????
According to Apple and AT&T you be able to. Though exactly how isn't quite clear. I assume the unlimited plan will be visible when you first sign up for data.
I'm still hoping AT&T changes their mind and allows grandfathered users on unlimited to stop and restart the same unlimited plans without then having to select the newer one. Seems more fair.
Yes it does. However, no one ever said AT&T was fair. Personally, I just signed up for another month. I'm keeping iHeartRadio or Netflick on all night, every night, for general principle. Same with my iPhone.
Are you 12 years old? This is the most juvenile comment I have read all day.
I have the unlimited plan with my iphone , can I just add my ipad to my AT&T account? Thus keeping my data rate?
My ipad wont be ordered prob till the 10th when i get paid.