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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 18, 2006
Hey, I have seen those pictures of eople's weddings where they just single out one color in the picture to show (usually red) and the rest of the picture is in black and white. What application would I use (Aperture, Photoshop, ...) and how would I do it? Thanks


macrumors 68030
Sep 20, 2005
New Jersey
You can do this many applications in a huge variety of ways. The best way for me to do it is in Photoshop with masks. Basically make a mask of the image you want to work with, desaturate it (remove all colors, making it black and white), then edit out the detail you want to be in color with the black paintbrush.

If that's too complicated, you can always duplicate your main layer and erase the contents of the layer you want in color after converting it to grayscale.

I hope that helps... if you need assistance, IM me on AIM: p0intblank32


macrumors 68000
Mar 10, 2005
You can also use selective color and the hue/saturation options to knock out all of the colors except the one you want. If it pops up in a couple spots, then just make a new duplicate layer, de-saturate the bottom layer, and cut out the spots on the top one that contain unwanted remaining color.

Also play with the blending and opacity of the spots still left in color. Sometimes a full color of something looks somewhat odd against a stark black and white shot.
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