I have a MacBook 2.0Ghz Intel Core Duo 2 with 1Gb RAM.
I run Windows XP Pro from my Boot Camp partition.
It takes me aproximately 5 min since I start Parallels to the moment when Windows is able to respond to any of my requests, Messenger startup included.
I mostly used it to run MSN video chat with my friends and relatives, while surfing the web and Mail on OSX.
Beside adding more RAM what else could I do to speed up my Windows experience with Parallels.
Any suggestion is welcome.
Please also post your startup time with your hardware configuration to compare Ram, processor model and if you are using Parallels or VMware Fusion.
ios games
I run Windows XP Pro from my Boot Camp partition.
It takes me aproximately 5 min since I start Parallels to the moment when Windows is able to respond to any of my requests, Messenger startup included.
I mostly used it to run MSN video chat with my friends and relatives, while surfing the web and Mail on OSX.
Beside adding more RAM what else could I do to speed up my Windows experience with Parallels.
Any suggestion is welcome.
Please also post your startup time with your hardware configuration to compare Ram, processor model and if you are using Parallels or VMware Fusion.
ios games
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