I often record GBs worth of videos when I'm around with my iPhone and I put them all in a folder inside my iCloud Drive.
I'd like to decide when to download the files on my hard drive, but instead every time I log into macOS it automatically downloads the files and I have to remember to go there and delete the downloads at every login.
It is very annoying, not to mention the waste of bandwidth...
If one time I forget to delete the downloads, I find 10s and 10s of GB on my Hard Drive fills...
Is there a way to disable automatic downloads?
It's pretty mind boggling that a service that has been around for so long doesn't feature such a simple option..
This option is disabled by the way:

I often record GBs worth of videos when I'm around with my iPhone and I put them all in a folder inside my iCloud Drive.
I'd like to decide when to download the files on my hard drive, but instead every time I log into macOS it automatically downloads the files and I have to remember to go there and delete the downloads at every login.
It is very annoying, not to mention the waste of bandwidth...
If one time I forget to delete the downloads, I find 10s and 10s of GB on my Hard Drive fills...
Is there a way to disable automatic downloads?
It's pretty mind boggling that a service that has been around for so long doesn't feature such a simple option..
This option is disabled by the way: