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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 30, 2009
I want to start using GarageBand again (after many years away), but don't have room on my hard drive for all the instruments and loops etc (M1 Mac Mini from 2001, with 256GB). I have an external 1TB SSD connected by USB-C and it is always connected. I want to use this for the many GB of data that garageband and Logic download.

I've set up symlinks using information found online and by meticulously following the instructions, I have succeeded in moving the Garageband and Logic files across (those in Library/Application Support and Library/Audio) and created the symlinks.

I also, of course, deleted the files from my start up, internal SSD. I restarted my computer before opening GarageBand for the first time.

However, GarageBand is not impressed. Every time I start it up, it starts downloading its essential add-ons, and gives me no option for refusal, other than 'do it later.' It also appears to delete my symlink in Library/Application Support.

I've tried this over and over and the same thing happens. Should I be using a different approach? Should I be using Synthetic Firmlinks instead? Or hard links? Or something else?

I'm frustrated by trying to find answers online, as all the information seems to be from several or even many years back, and may no longer be accurate or relevant to latest file system and MacOS.

I am using AFPS file structure and Monterey 12.6.

Any help or guidance anyone can give would be much appreciated.
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macrumors 68020
Mar 4, 2022
United States
Go GarageBand > Sound Library > Relocate Sound Library. Then you can choose an external drive to store the sounds on.

And, if you have sounds that you use and you want to copy them into the project file (in case the sound library fails, etc.), go File > Project Management > Consolidate.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 30, 2009
Thanks for the swift reply. But I don't have an option to 'relocate sound library' in my Garageband Sound Library menu. Any ideas how I get such an option? It sounds like exactly what I need.

Screenshot 2022-09-26 at 19.26.20.png


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 30, 2009
I let all the essential sounds and instruments download (yet again!) but there's no change:

Screenshot 2022-09-27 at 07.22.49.png


macrumors 68020
Mar 4, 2022
United States
It might not be possible to move the sounds with GarageBand. I haven't used GarageBand in years (upgraded to Logic), so I apologize if I wasted your time with this—I didn't know you couldn't do it...

It might be a good idea just to shell out the $200 for Logic, because not only do you get advanced features, but you can also move the sound library! I'm a pretty advanced producer myself, and was getting tired of GarageBand's limitations.

You could try manually moving the sounds from the directory to an external hard drive, and see if that works, but I honestly don't think what you're trying to do is possible. Unfortunately GarageBand isn't made for "power users," so I guess Apple didn't think people with more basic needs would need to download the full sound library and store it externally.

Here's a screenshot of that that menu looks like in Logic. I'm not at home now, so I don't have the external SSD with the library connected, but it still shows the options. See that button on the bottom? That's what I'm talking about
Screen Shot 2022-09-27 at 10.41.22 AM.png
Last edited:


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 30, 2009
Hi, thanks for clarifying it. I'll consider the upgrade to Logic, though at my present level of expertise, I don't really need it.
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Silly John Fatty

macrumors 68000
Nov 6, 2012
Hi, thanks for clarifying it. I'll consider the upgrade to Logic, though at my present level of expertise, I don't really need it.

Hi, have you ever found a solution for this? I have the exact same problem.

I just downloaded GarageBand and I'd like the library to be installed on an external drive straight from the start. I don't want to move it later, because my Mac is brand new and I don't want to wear the SSD unnecessarily.

But even if I wanted to, I too don't have that "Relocate" option.

So wondering if you ever found a solution. Grazie mille!
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 30, 2009
Hi, have you ever found a solution for this? I have the exact same problem.

I just downloaded GarageBand and I'd like the library to be installed on an external drive straight from the start. I don't want to move it later, because my Mac is brand new and I don't want to wear the SSD unnecessarily.

But even if I wanted to, I too don't have that "Relocate" option.

So wondering if you ever found a solution. Grazie mille!
Hi John, sorry for the delay in replying. Just back from a camping trip. Sorry to tell you that no, I never did find a solution. As I understand it, the worry about wear on the SSD has been exaggerated. There was a problem a few years back with a bug or something, fixed now. But it still makes sense to host this stuff externally if, like me, you are low on space.

I am waiting for the day I can afford a new machine with a bigger drive. Frustrating is putting it mildly.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 30, 2009
rm5 - yes, I have tried moving the folder manually, and telling GarageBand where to find with the use of symlinks, but it doesn't like it one bit, and basically keeps re-downloading the extra stuff, or not making it available. Many years ago, I had masses of GB extras on an external disk and it worked effortlessly. At some point in to the past ten years or so, this changed. Now it will not work.
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macrumors newbie
Oct 1, 2023
I've had this issue recently when I upgraded to OSX Venture/Sonoma. What helped me:
1) Download full sound library and wait until it is installed
2) Make a copy of Library/Application Support/Logic in the same place, as Library/Application Support/Logic copy (just in case)
3) Make a copy of Library/Application Support/Logic to external drive and assign Read & Write permissions via Get Info.
4) In the context menu, choose to Make Alias of the copied Logic folder on your external drive.
5) Remove Library/Application Support/Logic and replace it with the created alias named Logic.
6) Assign Read & Write permissions to the Logic folder alias, via Get Info. Make sure it's pointing to the original on your external drive. In my case it didn't.

Re-run Garage Band, it should be happy with your relocated sound library. I didn't relocate Apple Loops and GarageBand folders.

After that I removed my second copy "Library/Application Support/Logic copy".
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