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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 24, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario
I wanted to totally delete XGPS and then reinstall it. Everytime I do this, all my previous settings are still stored in XGPS....When SSH'ing into the phone, where do you find the folder or files to TOTALLY delete XGPS so when I reinstall it, it will be like it has never been on my iphone before.

In OS X, things are store in plists. I've seen threads about people having trouble and people suggest deleting the plist associated with a given problem. Look around in the folders and see if you find the right one. Sorry I can't be of more help, SSH isn't my strong point.
Thanks for the plist tip....

Anybody else have any input?

I use WinSCP on my windows computers with ssh. I just go into the /root folder and go to apps and delete apps from there. U can search around the iphone files and u will see what goes where. I also have the Finder app which you can search thru all the folders and files on your phone.
Is it better to delete XGPS through Cydia and then look for any plist/files/folders pertaining to XGPS or just SSH into the phone and delete the folder under root/apps? Would that totally erase the app so when I reinstall it, it won't remember any settings I had?
does anyone know why even after I delete the app...if I go to reinstall it, it still remembers all the info I had in it before I deleted it.

Is there a way to delete whatever it is that is causing this memory using SSH???

Please someone must know!

Thanks guys. :D
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