Hey, so, as they do, earlier last month, my hard drive started to fail on my mid 2012 macbook pro. I bought an ssd (samsung evo 850) and tried to clone my hard drive to the ssd using Carbon Copy Cloner. No matter how many times I tried, every time I tried to clone it would stay copying for 12-20 hours then freeze and I'd have to restart, which surprisingly the failing drive handled fine. I decided to clone my sister's hard drive to make the ssd bootable then see if I could transfer my files over via a sata to usb cable when my original hard drive wasn't under the strain of being the primary drive in my macbook. I did this and it booted fine but I have no idea how to transfer my original drive over now with all my presets, preferences, user accounts and such. The original drive seems to transfer information fine now, but I don't know where to put it, or how to delete and replace admins and such.