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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 6, 2008
Everytime I plug in my FM transmitter into my iPhone, I get the message "This accessory was not...." And I click "No," to stop it from going into Airplane mode.

Is there a way I can turn off this warning permanently?

My phone is jailbroken, so feel free to tell me if I can find the warning in SSH and turn it off, too.
everytime I plug my iphone 3g into the universal dock, I get this error message as well.

I don't think there is a soft fix besides jailbreaking, installing a finder application and deleting a certain file. if you search the forums, someone already posted specific directions for jailbroken iphones.
everytime I plug my iphone 3g into the universal dock, I get this error message as well.

I don't think there is a soft fix besides jailbreaking, installing a finder application and deleting a certain file. if you search the forums, someone already posted specific directions for jailbroken iphones.

I searched and couldn't find it. :confused:
Can you locate it for me?
so there's no other way except jailbreaking? my new phone is doing this and i can't figure out how to make it go away.
There is no way to turn it off afaik unless you jailbreak. I've tried. My Griffin car charger that was labeled as being "for the iPhone 3G" has that stupid message. I believe if you do not hit yes or no though that it will go away and default to "no" (you don't want to go into airplane mode).
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