I am surprised that people simply spew something they read without ever knowing what the terms mean. Here is the definition ionizing and non-ionizing radiation from the internet:
"Because living tissue is 70-90% water by weight, the dividing line between radiation that excites electrons and radiation that forms ions is often assumed to be equal to the ionization of water: 1216 kJ/mol. Radiation that carries less energy can only excite the water molecule. It is therefore called non-ionizing radiation. Radiation that carries more energy than 1216 kJ/mol can remove an electron from a water molecule, and is therefore called ionizing radiation."
How does that change anything listed in my comments? Microwaves still will boil your hand, and you are telling me that will have no affect on your body? Excitation or electron removal is not the defining term. It is what the radiation does to your body. Just read all the NIH links.
But back on topic about secret settings in Mountain Lion OSX...
Here is a way to force quit the current running application... The video shows the keycombo when pressing the secret shift key. (you don't need to be in the Apple menu when executing the combo).
As for the guy asking about does the PSP do anything the needs security... It has a browser, and you can buy things from the PlayStation Store, so anything you do that needs protection in iPhone applies to the PSP as well. Hmm... look here: