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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 11, 2009
So if I jailbreak and want to undo that, would restoring from a pre-JB backup in itunes do it? If not, how would I get rid of the jb?

And on the same vein,

If I back up while jailbroken, would restoring bring the phone back to THAT jb'd state?

Just do a restore and it will unjailbreak the phone. Anytime you do a sync of the phone now the computer won't save anything from the phone being jailbroken so you don't have to worry about it rejailbreaking from doing a restore. Why would you want to undo it though?
Why would you want to undo it though?

Thanks! Just in case I don't totally dig the result. I see it unlocks a ton of good features (many of which should be already supported by, but I've also seen it make some phones sluggish and unstable. I don't think that's a trade-off I'd want to make.

Also, anyone know where itunes puts the backups in Windows? I'm thinking maybe there's a way to go in there and tweak some files (sounds and simpler stuff like that), then when you restore again the changes are applied??
Also, anyone know where itunes puts the backups in Windows? I'm thinking maybe there's a way to go in there and tweak some files (sounds and simpler stuff like that), then when you restore again the changes are applied??

Backups are in a slightly different location depending on which version of Windows you have. For Vista, it's C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup. I don't know where it is on XP.

However, backup only backs up application data and user preferences. Things like system sounds are part of the firmware (ipsw files), and aren't included in this backup. There was another thread where someone was asking basically the same thing you are, and the conclusion seemed to be it's technically possible, but hardly worth the trouble.(
So if I jailbreak and want to undo that, would restoring from a pre-JB backup in itunes do it? If not, how would I get rid of the jb?

And on the same vein,

If I back up while jailbroken, would restoring bring the phone back to THAT jb'd state?


Make sure after you restore you choose set up as new phone, then re-sync your stuff back later.
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