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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Feb 20, 2004

does anyone know how you go about uninstalling the Virex 7.5 beta software ? :confused: The installer program only lets me install it over again (no option to uninstall it). I haven't found another link / program that lets me do it, either ?
Any ideas? Has anyone actually installed the program ? I want to get rid of this darn thing. It feels like it's hogging my system resources..

Thanks so much, chr. :)
no, actually haven't tried that yet - you're right, they should know the answer ;) - so nobody on here actually knows how to do it ? well, thanks anyway :)
:eek: :p :confused: :( I'm not sure about that. It's running tons of background services and who knows what it copied somewhere else in the system (<- and I'll still have that running then). In the readme there is some mention of an uninstaller on the CD :confused: - I don't actually have a CD, I just downloaded this from macupdate, and all I got was this installer, that won't let me uninstall it...

I've deleted 7.2 by dragging it to the trash. Besides, it's a Mac and that's how they work--nearly always. Search Finder for Virex and delete everything that comes up. That really ought to be the end of it--especially if the program didn't come with an uninstaller.
ok, I did that.:) Deleted and everything that came up after searching for virex, restarted - and you seem to be right, I guess it's all gone now. thanks ;)
btw: I've also sent them an email, but I'm pretty sure they won't answer
Duff-Man says...It's possible that searching for "virex" will not find all of the files that got installed. For instance, there may be files (and/or folders) called " vscanx" as well. If you still have the installer for the beta, try opening up the .pkg file with Pacifist and you'll see all the files that get installed and where they are....oh yeah!
thanks for the info. Downloaded it and as it turns out it did indeed copy a lot more stuff.

Now, is it safe to delete the folder MacScanner and AVEngine in the /library/frameworks folder ? They are ONLY required for Virex, right ?! I just deleted them :eek: guess it's ok ? :confused: :cool:
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