I have an iPhone 3G version 2.2.1 (5H11). How can I unlock my iPhone? I will be traveling to South Asia I want to use my South Asian sim card.
You will have to use a sim card unlock option because the software unlock does not with the stock 2.2.1 baseband
I have an iPhone 3G version 2.2.1 (5H11). How can I unlock my iPhone? I will be traveling to South Asia I want to use my South Asian sim card.
Please read this: http://blog.iphone-dev.org/
If your baseband version is 2.30, u cant unlock as of now. If u r really desperate, then u can try 'hardware' solutions like a rebelsim. IF u do want to use this (a lot of people dont recommend it), then u can try ismartphone3g. I used it before the software unlock was released, and it seemed to work fine.
I am new to the iPhone wold.. and hence my dumb question.
Why do people not recommend rebelsim? What is ismartphone3g?
ismartphone3g is similar to a rebel sim, but it worked better than rebelsim for me. Just google it. I dont really know why its not recommended (i used it dint i? LOL). There are a lot of different manufacturers of this sim, so do a google search, find one that u can get easily (and one that works with iphone FW 2.2.1). Be carefull though, some of the sites are fake.
I have an iPhone 3G version 2.2.1 (5H11). How can I unlock my iPhone? I will be traveling to South Asia I want to use my South Asian sim card.
I had after several attempts with different SIM (yessim,turbosim and i-smartphon) cards I finally did with a SIM card called magicsim. which I bought via turbo-sim.com
The main problem with the first 3 sim cards I mentioned above was continuously losing of signal while switching cell towers...that was really frustrated! Everything is working perfect now I don't know if this magicsim is an improved version but everything works just PERFECT now! Also their support stuff has responded promptly to each support request I made.
vadim said:I had after several attempts with different SIM (yessim,turbosim and i-smartphon) cards I finally did with a SIM card called magicsim. which I bought via turbo-sim.com
The main problem with the first 3 sim cards I mentioned above was continuously losing of signal while switching cell towers...that was really frustrated! Everything is working perfect now I don't know if this magicsim is an improved version but everything works just PERFECT now! Also their support stuff has responded promptly to each support request I made.
lakeishalily59 said:i have tried the magicsim card too, it's really great,MAGICSIM 2009 Newest iPhone V2.2.1 Unlock Turbosim.I bought it via www.magicsim.com.may be you can have a try.
try taking out "may"... it was a typo.
i went to the site, but theres no place for me to purchase it.. i just went ahead and purchased one on ebay for 10 bucks... we'll see how that goes.