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Original poster
Nov 30, 2014
Georgia, USA
Having a rather odd issue, with my MBP 16", 32GB, 512GB storage.
In short, if I restart the unit, after logging it, it shows the internet is connected. However, any application that needs to get access to the internet, fails. After about a minute, the fans will kick in, and the unit will restart, with a Kernel error.

What application/tool can I run, to see if I have hardware issues? New to the macOS world.

Thanks all...

PS: I have today reloaded the OS, from scratch. Let's see how the unit does over the coming days.
I found a solution; restart and hold CMD+D and press the power button. Choose an internet connection, log in, accept the terms and conditions, and run the test...
Did you find a solution to your crashing?
Well, in short, I had already reloaded the MBP from scratch, with no restore/TimeMachine options.
THEN, I started to look into the whole diagnostic for hardware. The test showed hardware is all fine. Thus, something tells me it was either the OS or installed applications/plugins, causing the issue.

Regardless, I will use the MBP this week, and see how everything pans out. Thanks

PS: were you merely curious, or are you having issues?
Well, in short, I had already reloaded the MBP from scratch, with no restore/TimeMachine options.
THEN, I started to look into the whole diagnostic for hardware. The test showed hardware is all fine. Thus, something tells me it was either the OS or installed applications/plugins, causing the issue.

Regardless, I will use the MBP this week, and see how everything pans out. Thanks

PS: were you merely curious, or are you having issues?
Merely curious, hoping you found a solution.
Definitely install your apps one at a time and test things thoroughly before installing the next one. Hopefully you'll find the culprit unless it was the OS install that somehow was corrupted, though fortunately this happens far less frequently than in the Windows world.
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