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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 15, 2019
Seattle, WA
Is it possible to watch tv recording that are on my desktop mac with my iPad? I have home sharing on my Mac set up and can watch everything from my library to my Apple TV but no idea if its possible to watch the same films and shows on an ios device.
Googling only talks about purchased content.
Please help.
I do this by exporting them, EyeTV can export to iPhone or ipad, or you can drag recording onto handbrake. Once they are exported I copy them to my Synology NAS and watch them with the Video DS app. You could also copy recordings to iTunes and sync to iPad or watch over home sharing I think there is a way to do it with Plex or Tvheadend too. There is also an eyetv app for iOS that used to work
It's a pity that EyeTV seemed to stop being developed once it was sold to Geniatech there still doesn't seem to be a 64bit version and the latest version doesn't support a HDHomeRun.
I have Plex installed on a spare iMac and that seems to handle EyeTV recording without the need to export them first.
My iPad has several videos recorded and edited with EyeTV, converted with Handbrake, added to my iTunes library on a Mac and then synced to the iPad. This works well when I am travelling.
As afd says, there is also an EyeTV app for iOS that still works on my iPad (running iOS 12). The iPad needs to be on the same wifi network as a Mac running EyeTV. It can play live or recorded shows.
Surprisingly the app is still available on the (Australian) App Store.
I’d be interested in getting a replacement for EyeTV whe Macs go 64bit only. The software that coms with the HDHomeRun is so stuttery it almost unwatchable and most of the rest of the competition are subscription for the PVR.
I’d be interested in getting a replacement for EyeTV whe Macs go 64bit only. The software that coms with the HDHomeRun is so stuttery it almost unwatchable and most of the rest of the competition are subscription for the PVR.
In addition to EyeTV on a Mac I also have an HDHomerun tuner/server on my network. The HDHomerun app seems to work fairly smoothly on the Mac but my main use is with the Channels app on my Apple TV. ( )
I use ethernet cables between the HDHomerun the Mac and the Apple TV. It might be that wifi issues are causing stuttering for you. Some years ago I had this problem trying to use an iPad to Airplay to the Apple TV when they were all on wifi - it probably overloaded the wifi since the data was travelling 3 ways (Mac > iPad > ATV).
Unfortunately Channels is not available for the Mac but maybe the iOS version will eventually run under Catalina?
I have channels too on Apple TV, iPhone and ipad all working fine over WiFi. The HDHomeRun app for iOS stutters. iMac and HDHomeRun are connected over Ethernet eyetv runs fine and HDHomeRun app again stutters. Seems like their hardware is better than their software.
I’ve been looking at MythTV but it looks like installing is quite involved.
The other option is AirVideoHD which has a server app on the Mac and an iOS app to watch video on an iPad or iPhone. You select Mac folders (including external drives) in the server app and they appear on your iPad. It copes with a wide range of video formats but not iTunes purchases.
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