I have a few short videos of my son on my iphone and I want to transfer them to my iPad and edit them with a app I bought called ReelDirector. Whats the best way to do this? Thanks
For the OP - I had exactly the same situation you had. The most "direct" route I can find is the following: you need to sync the video from the iPhone to iPhoto or Aperture, then the video will be available for syncing back to the iPad. (or is that what you were referring to brentshg?)
I tried using ReelDirector's file-sharing [through iTunes], but I'm guessing that's output only or it didn't like something about the file I was importing (it was imported directly from the iPhone using Image Capture).
Once there, I was able to import it into ReelDirector. Once I found my way around, I found it very powerful within its feature limits. The clip trimming was very well implemented - almost FC level, with In and Out points.
Okay thank you for the help. Thats what I've been trying to do all day. Sync it through iPhoto for some reason once its done. I don't see the movies...at least I know it works that way. I'll keep trying
Okay thank you for the help. Thats what I've been trying to do all day. Sync it through iPhoto for some reason once its done. I don't see the movies...at least I know it works that way. I'll keep trying