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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 28, 2005
i cant really afford to buy anymore ram untill about the 16th of next month so im gonna be stuck on 512mb.
im planning on upgrading to 2gb asap
i could buy some i suppose if 512mb is going to cripple my macbook (2ghz model btw) but itll leave me abit short for the month, i can survive tho ;p

*edit* one quick thing, would it be any problem to buy a 1gb stick now, and another about the 16th june? i know its not a good idea normally to install different aged bits of memory and batch but surely a couple weeks wont be a big diff?
You will be fine. You may have to do less things at once. But you will survive.

Buy the chips together.
itll be fine for browsing and itunes at the same time then?
Salteh said:
itll be fine for browsing and itunes at the same time then?

It'll be fine to do that and more at the same time, it may just get a little slow when you have 4-5+ programs open and having more RAM makes OS X a more enjoyable experience,

I was trying to do some work in iPhoto + Photoshop + ImageWell last night it really started to bog down with 512 MB. I actually had to bust out the ol' PowerBook.

Havn't had any problems however with Adium, Firefox, and iTunes all going.
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