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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 13, 2010
Hello all, i have a classical C program from two functions(main and children).
I created Cocoa project(i creating GUI for my old console C program), what we have...
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

@interface myprog : NSObject {
    IBOutlet id int_field;
    IBOutlet id result_field;
- (IBAction)button_start:(id)sender;

//insert from my old C program
[B]+ (void) children:(char) string1[], (int) integer1 and:(int) integer2);[/B]


@implementation myprog
- (IBAction)button_start:(id)sender {
	int minvalue=1;
	int maxvalue=100;
        //from C program function
	[B]children(string1, integer1, integer2);[/B]

How to make a function "children" as class method myprog???that I could call a function "children" from main code
- (IBAction)button_start: (id)sender

What the correct syntax for "children" in .h and .m files???
I need to keep the function "children" as an external function.

Thx for advice.
Are you saying you want to know how to create a class method?

@interface MyClass : NSObject {
+ (void) classMethodWithArgument:(int)arg;

@implementation MyObject
+ (void) classMethodWithArgument:(int)arg {

// the proper way to call it from within your class is using:
[[self class] classMethodWithArgument: 5];
// to call it from outside your class use:
[MyClass classMethodWithArgument: 5];

Note that Objective-C is a strict superset of C which means you can write any C code without converting it to objC. If you want to declare a C function in your header file, you must do so outside of the @interface block, it must be before the interface line, or after the @end line. Same thing in your .m file, you need to write the plain c function before the @implementation line, or after the @end line.

.m file
@implementation myprog
+ (void) func2:(char) res[], (int) min_value, (int) max_value{

+ (void) func1:(char) ser[], int value11{

- (IBAction)button_start:(id)sender {


.h file
@interface tristscan : NSObject {
    IBOutlet id textfield1;
    IBOutlet id textfield2;
    IBOutlet id textfield3;
- (IBAction)button_start:(id)sender;

+ (void) func2:(char) res[], (int) min_value, (int) max_value;
+ (void) func1:(char) resci[], int value11;


because of + (void) func2:(char) res[], (int) min_value, (int) max_value;
if i change "(char) res[]" to "(char) res" this error disappears (but it's not suitable=)
If i can't use the argument (char) res[] Is possible to replace this's string parameter for Obj-C syntax (syntax classic C is not valid).
You're missing some Objective-C fundamentals. You should read and understand this before moving forward. If you're still having problems, then I would recommend Kochan's "Programming in Objective-C 2.0."
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