You have to take into consideration the amount of time spent on the phone from which the battery life is perceived.
I have a friend who practically lives on her iPhone XS and her battery life is horrible - she has to charge a couple times per day. She complains that Apple screwed us on battery life.
I check my iPhone XR maybe a few times a day and my battery typically lasts all day - many times I can get away with going two days without charging at all and I'm fine. My friend can't understand why I get better battery life on an inferior phone. But, then again, I only have 6 third-party apps installed and I don't allow background app refresh for any app.
TL;DR: The more work your phone is doing the more battery it is going to consume. Try this; charge your phone to 100%, put the phone down and don't touch it for 48 hours. Then pick it up and check the battery life. Poor battery life is often the fault of the user - but most people aren't willing to accept the blame.