I've been running it since it became available for download. I'd say it's absolutely fine as a daily driver. As others have mentioned, performance is actually noticably better than 11.4. Some bugs and annoyances I used to encounter regularly (most notably delays and freezes in Safari) are gone now as well in iOS 12. I use my iPad for both work and leisure, as I work from home doing systems administration work, and I've yet to find any of my business apps that don't work either. Well, Skype for Business is terribly unreliable, but then it always was and that's not the fault of iOS 12. SSH, RDP, VPN and VMware clients all work fine without an issue. I get about one re-spring a day on average, and it's usually related to Notification Centre and/or Control Centre. That's a big improvement over the stability of Beta 1 on any other version of iOS I can think of, and I've run all betas since iOS 8. So basically: I'd recommend it, as the performance gains alone are well worth it.