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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Aug 15, 2006
The Rainbow Nation RSA
My logo, with 'copyright'
The chinese do it all the time and get away with it... Besides, mine isn't for a product or anything.

then what is it for....

and get a graphic designer......

honestly the title of this thread was Hows my logo, answer its terrible, just please tell us that this is not for your "design studio"

now, give us some ideas on what it is for, and I;m sure we would be more than happy to spitball some ideas with you

Honestly? Not very good. I'm not sure what your plan is, but I would use that for anything. With more info about its intended use we could probably offer some constructive feedback, but aside from being a pretty obvious copyright infringement it just isn't very interesting to look at.
Is really all you did was slap a skull and cross bones (someone else's logo, too, I'm guessing) on the Apple logo? Was one potential lawsuit not enough for you?
The chinese do it all the time and get away with it... Besides, mine isn't for a product or anything.

"What Would Chinese Pirates Do?" (WWCPD). My new moral compass.

I really, really, really, really hope this was just flame-bait. Because if it wasn't... well... I fear for these forums.
I really don't get why people plagurise and ask for a serious critique of "their" work.... :confused:

But I really do think Rob Janoff did a great job on the logo, it's still one of the best logos ever created.

I hope more people are adding to this flamvember, we need to feed the trolls :cool:
Lol, never knew I'd get this much flame. And it was a bit more more than pasting a skull on an apple logo, i did the little gradients and the cut outs and stuff XD
Lol, never knew I'd get this much flame. And it was a bit more more than pasting a skull on an apple logo, i did the little gradients and the cut outs and stuff XD

LOL. Well as an exercise in experimenting with layers and effects, it's good.

As a piece of design, it's pants.

Sorry :p
It would be awesome if you could somehow remove the skull and crossbones and the weird gradients....

oh wait...
I didn't think it was possible to puke and laugh at the same time. :eek:

If you insist on messing with poison, why not just use the scull and cross bones? (Does the court case between a little group called the Beatles' Apple Corps. and Apple Computer [now Apple Inc.] ring a bell? Do you recall how "similar" the marks were and how different the business models were? Do you treasure anything you own?)
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