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macrumors 601
Original poster
Jul 10, 2008
Has anyone been using o e of the new HP printers? How's it working with the iPad? Anything to know before buying one?

I was going to buy one, then I decided to wait for iOS 4.2. But it sounds like these are the only printers that will be supported at launch anyway, so I'm thinking of picking one up now.

I really wanted to be able to print to my HP Laserjet though.
I really wanted to be able to print to my HP Laserjet though.

I'm looking forward to printing with my Laserjet ;)

I'm finally getting my Airport Extreme delivered tomorrow in order to set up a hard drive and my printer(s) to a network, then I can do everything wirelessly :) And when 4.2 comes out, it'll be that much awesomer.

*disclaimer: The awesomeness of printing from my iPad will probably dwindle three days after 4.2 is released, but oh well. I don't think I'm updating until they come out with a JB, either:)
I haven't used them, but I want to make one point clear that I think is a bit confusing: any printer should work with the 4.2 print feature, but only these new ePrinters will have direct support. They will be able to go from the iPad to the printer wirelessly and directly. Older printers will still have to have a Mac (or PC) in the link (or just plug it into your router instead of a PC) before they will wirelessly print.

In other words, you can wirelessly print right now, so clearly you don't need a new printer to make that happen. But if you want to print directly from the iPad, that will require something new.
As above if you can print from osx at the moment then you can print via the iPad.
OK, I read it wrong then. Even if I have to print through my Mac mini, I guess I'd rather wait then buy a new printer. Thanks
I really hope my recently purchased wireless brother printer can print without the need of a computer connection.
I haven't used them, but I want to make one point clear that I think is a bit confusing: any printer should work with the 4.2 print feature, but only these new ePrinters will have direct support. They will be able to go from the iPad to the printer wirelessly and directly. Older printers will still have to have a Mac (or PC) in the link (or just plug it into your router instead of a PC) before they will wirelessly print.

In other words, you can wirelessly print right now, so clearly you don't need a new printer to make that happen. But if you want to print directly from the iPad, that will require something new.


I have a Photosmart C6180 All in one now. I'm able to print photos now wirelessly with the HP print app. Is there a possibility I will be able to print directly like I can for photos?
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