Is there any chance this card, or something like it soon, could work in a 2010 or 2012 Mac Pro? I recall reading many posts on the general subject of adding Thunderbolt to a PCIe Mac Pro, and the consensus seemed to be that no options were likely ... but HP is doing it now with their Xeon-based workstations.
I'm guessing the first step would be to make it work in a MP running Windows 7 or 8 ... and that it would be a bigger hurdle to make it work under Mac OS, probably involving no drivers being available ... and who would have the incentive to write them?
If a Windows-only solution, nice, but of limited interest to me.
I'm guessing the first step would be to make it work in a MP running Windows 7 or 8 ... and that it would be a bigger hurdle to make it work under Mac OS, probably involving no drivers being available ... and who would have the incentive to write them?
If a Windows-only solution, nice, but of limited interest to me.