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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 27, 2006
when ever i try and get mail is says this account wont work be cause it cant connect online, anyone successfully gotten this to work?
It's not a trojan horse. :rolleyes:

Some people have claimed that newer Hotmail accounts do not support this protocol, but that older ones were grandfathered into this feature even if they are free accounts.

I know that mine works.

You might explore another alternative such as MacFreePOPs. Discussion of how it works here. See reply 21. Because I was already using MacFreePOPs for Yahoo, I decided to just run both of them under it and disable HTTPMail....

My experience is that both HTTPMail and MacFreePOPs tend to have connection failures to Hotmail a lot. But they do work in general. They both work for me, that is. MacFreePOPs should work for you whether you have an "old" Hotmail account or a "new" one.
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