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Original poster
Sep 15, 2016
Berlin, Germany
has anyone tried the new Phillips Hue Sync App on the High Sierra beta? it doesnt work for me ... like it installed fine but when i click on it, nothing happens as in it does not open
I wrestled with it for a couple of hours last night, no real success. Films/Video played from iTunes blanked my Macs screen whenever sync enabled unless I Airplayed to ATV. I gave up trying syncing music as it kept insisting I enable Audio input under "Security & Privacy > General"

There is no audio or Hue Sync settings under that heading the only setting is "Security & Privacy > Privacy" which is enabled for Hue Sync.

Something is screwy somewhere.
I just got done playing with it. It took a little while to get it to work. At first I would click on the button to start the sync and nothing would happen. I restarted the app then started playing music from iTunes and then started the light sync last and it worked. It really worked well, looked awesome in sync with Thunderstruck.

I am not running any beta software though so I dont know if that is playing a role in your issue.
I know this is an old thread but stumbled on it while having the issue myself. I found what I believe is the definitive solution. For the Hue Sync App to work on a Mac, you have to grant access in TWO Accessibility areas in the Mac System Preferences...
1) Open System Settings
2) Select "Privacy and Security" (left hand side). Do one, then hit back and do the other:
a) Select "Accessibility" (right hand side. NOT the one on the left!!).
Add/Turn on "Hue Sync" app.
b) Select "Screen Recording" (right hand side).
Add/Turn on "Hue Sync" app.

Why Apple has two things named "Accessibility", and why the Hue website doesn't detail this, well beyond my understanding! But this got it working for me. Hope it helps someone else too
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