Google just released Version 4.0 of Google maps. Finally with iphone 6 optimizations.
But I noticed a huge bug. When I ask for directions via public transport, the App will always give me directions that include driving somewhere.
For example:
Walk 300feet
Take M3 (metro)
Take M1 (metro)
Drive 0.3 miles
walk 200 feet
or also very often it tells me to drive 0feet (1 Minute).
Unfortunately the Metro wont transport my car.
Anybody else noticed this?
But I noticed a huge bug. When I ask for directions via public transport, the App will always give me directions that include driving somewhere.
For example:
Walk 300feet
Take M3 (metro)
Take M1 (metro)
Drive 0.3 miles
walk 200 feet
or also very often it tells me to drive 0feet (1 Minute).
Unfortunately the Metro wont transport my car.
Anybody else noticed this?