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macrumors 601
Original poster
Apr 19, 2006
Carolina Beach, NC
Excerpt from

You can read the first half of the article from Spots N Dots for free, I"ll summarize the paid portion below... It's an interesting article. I read it as the fall of TV as we know it is in the beginning of the beginning stage. TV's not going away mind you, but the delivery method's a-changin' and it's gonna have a major ripple effect on programming.

Helped by a TV advertising campaign that started in the Super Bowl, hulu’s growth has been impressive. New numbers from Nielsen referred to hulu’s “explosive growth trajectory,” saying total streams in April were up 490% compared to April, 2008, from 63.2 million streams last year to 373.3 million last month. Although still far behind number one, YouTube, hulu has become the number two online video site ranked by streams, having passed other sites such as Yahoo, Fox Interactive Media, Nickelodeon, MSN,, and Turner Sports and Entertainment.

-Hulu's 42 million users are about double the average audience of American Idol.
-Cable and Sat companies are starting to get pissed because they're paying for the content while internet users get it free. This is why some of your favorite cable shows are getting yanked from Hulu.
-Hulu's begun to adopt traditional TV selling strategies and big advertisers (ie McDonald's) are buying.
And now imagine the numbers of users if Hulu finally started to allow non-USA viewers. :rolleyes:

If the $'s there, it won't be long...

Cool. I use Hulu so much nowadays I'm going to cut cable.

I'm ditching cable right after these May sweeps. Summer TV pretty much sucks (except for Big Brother!:D) anyway. Don't have an AppleTV or a Mini right now. Hoping the ATV gets a hardware boost, among other things, before I make a purchase. I do have a MBP and will be hooking it up to my HDTV though when needed.

As the $'s flow to internet TV, the quality and programming are sure to follow. When I saw that McD was investing are substantial amount of cash, I was quite surprised. They are major players in the ad buying game, especially with the car biz gone. If they see this buy paying off for them, they'll likely continue to shift their ad dollars and more companies will be sure to follow.
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