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Yes, if you JB and then install XBMC. It's the defacto player I use in my family room now.
Without JailBreaking you can still watch Hulu+ using :apple:TV2.

With iPhone 4S/iPad 2, AirMirror your devices Hulu+ stream to the :apple:TV2 and enjoy Hulu on the big screen!

I've done it and it works great
There is a Splashtop Streamer App that will let you see your pc or mac computer screen on your iPad, then airplay it to your Apple TV.

I recommend going the jailbreak route since it will allow you to stream either regular Hulu OR Hulu Plus WITHOUT COMMERCIALS.

To do that, you need to:

1. Jailbreak using FireCore's Seasonpass Utility and a micro USB cable.

2. Install Nito TV (sort of like an Apple TV App Store)

3. Install XBMC (using Nito TV)

4. In XBMC, install bluecop repository, which has a video add-on for Hulu.

All this can be done within an hour or so in a single evening, and you can be streaming Hulu with great quality on your big screen TV, without commercials, to your heart's content.

I've had this functionality for the past couple of months, and it's what I use to watch the Daily Show.

Only down side to jailbreaking is that you have to wait longer than everybody else when Apple puts out an ATV update, since you have to wait for the jailbreak community to put out a new version of the jailbreak utility before you can apply Apple's update. That's about it. If you don't like the jailbreak, you can always restore your Apple TV to factory settings and go back to the non-jailbroken world, so the risk is very low.
With Hulu Plus can you watch TV shows the same day they come out?
How do you do this ? i'm having trouble finding it.

You actually have to download bluecop repository to your computer, then sftp it to your ATV2.

Instructions here:


With Hulu Plus can you watch TV shows the same day they come out?

Don't know about Hulu Plus, but with Hulu you get shows the day after they air. At least that's how it's been with the Daily Show (I'm always one day behind.)
I thought this was down? Has he been able to fix .lbrtmp issues? I was using XBMC and Bluecop's Repo until this past March when it quit working?

Any feedback/advice would be greatly appreciated
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I thought this was down? Has he been able to fix .lbrtmp issues? I was using XBMC and Bluecop's Repo until this past March when it quit working?

Any feedback/advice would be greatly appreciated

If you look in the comments, I think he got it working again. I installed that Repo some time in early September, and it's been working fine for me since then. Never had any problems with it myself. (I forgot if I downloaded the actual version on that web page I posted, or if I googled around and found a more recent version of bluecop's repo.)

By the way, my ATV2 is on software version 4.3. According to Firecore, the jailbreak for version 4.4 is available as a TETHERED jailbreak, and apparently only the nightly builds of XBMC are working on the ATV2 4.4 with the Tethered jailbreak right now. So I haven't updated my ATV2 software to 4.4 yet. Waiting to make sure that XBMC works, and of course waiting for an untethered version of the jailbreak. But if you can get your ATV2 on software version 4.3, I can attest that the Bluecop repo will provid Hulu via XBMC. Just watched a daily show episode this way last night.
This is one thing I really wish Apple would add to the ATV software. Besides games, Hulu + is one of the main uses for my Xbox 360. But the interface on the 360 leaves a lot to be desired.
How do you go back to version 4.3, or would you just recommend waiting for the jb to catch up to 4.4?
Just read an announcement that RedBox is going to start streaming before the end of the year. Wonder if that will ever end up on the ATV? My guess is no. Probably will end up on the Roku, Boxee and PS3.
Redbox and Hulu+ will decrease the sell/rental business on iTunes. So as much as I want a native Hulu+ app on AppleTV, it's likely not going to happen. I hope Apple can prove me wrong.
I don't think they will.

Especially with Hulu+, when I want to watch a show but don't care about commercials, I will watch the show on Hulu+. When I want to watch a show uninterrupted, or if it is Top Gear, which is only on iTunes, I will buy the show.
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