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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 23, 2011
I tried searching on the forums/internet and nothing was too clear on how to possibly do this.

I just got an ATV2, jailbroke it, installed xbmc. And now I would love to somehow get Hulu on it. Is this possible through a repo that I can install through xbmc? or is it too difficult/glitchy? Or is it possible some other way? I won't die if I can't have Hulu on the ATV, but I would love to have it.

If this has already been posted, just throw me the link since I couldn't find it, and I'll see what I can do.


People seem to be having mixed results -- mostly with it not working. I'm planning to test it out once my micro-USB cable arrives and I JB my ATV2. Note the first comment on that thread, which lists a NEW repo for the files. This, I would think, would be key to having the possibility for this to work.

I'd be interesting in hearing from other folks who've tried this and maybe even have it working. Hulu+ on the ATV2 would be a nice bonus. :)
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DrEnalg said:
Not true. You just need to install BLueCop's repo.

Last report(s) I've heard are that BlueCop's Hulu plugin no longer works as of early this year, from what I remember.

Based on the link I posted above, it seems that recent commenters have had luck with the new repo (it's the first [most recent] comment and subsequent replies to the linked post). But like I said, I haven't had a chance to try yet. Once my canle arrives, I'll JB and give it the ol' college try.
I saw that BlueCop's repo had been updated, but it doesn't appear to help me since I can't get my ATV2 to jailbreak!!! It's running the latest software. Don't know if that's the issue.
I saw that BlueCop's repo had been updated, but it doesn't appear to help me since I can't get my ATV2 to jailbreak!!! It's running the latest software. Don't know if that's the issue.

Apparently it has been updated - but it seemed like I was only able to access the latest build by downloading the Repository Updater addon. Unfortunately I still can't get it to work after installing it according to specs - I suspect it may have something to do with not being on a nightly, instead using the "stable build" for XBMC....
I saw that BlueCop's repo had been updated, but it doesn't appear to help me since I can't get my ATV2 to jailbreak!!! It's running the latest software. Don't know if that's the issue.

Not an issue. I jailbroke tonight after updating. I used the latest Seas0npass to do it. The only hangup was at the end -- but that was because I had my hosts file pointing at a non apple server for signatures. If you've jailbroken an iPhone, this might be your problem too. Seas0npass (as well as troubleshooting tips) can be found here:

As for the topic of the thread, I got Hulu+ to work and to load shows from my queue just fine. :) I'm going to call and cancel my cable tomorrow. Just follow the directions in the post I linked to above and be sure to install the update in the correct place. I assumed /Applications/XBMC.frappliance/Frameworks was up in the /mobile folder. I was wrong. It's at the root of the filesystem, so go there to upload the file after you've installed the addon.

Yay for Hulu+!!!!!
Not an issue. I jailbroke tonight after updating. I used the latest Seas0npass to do it. The only hangup was at the end -- but that was because I had my hosts file pointing at a non apple server for signatures. If you've jailbroken an iPhone, this might be your problem too. Seas0npass (as well as troubleshooting tips) can be found here:

As for the topic of the thread, I got Hulu+ to work and to load shows from my queue just fine. :) I'm going to call and cancel my cable tomorrow. Just follow the directions in the post I linked to above and be sure to install the update in the correct place. I assumed /Applications/XBMC.frappliance/Frameworks was up in the /mobile folder. I was wrong. It's at the root of the filesystem, so go there to upload the file after you've installed the addon.

Yay for Hulu+!!!!!

You must be using the stable release. I just doublechecked and I must have installed a nightly at some point. Which is probably why it's not working. Time for a downgrade and then I report back....
Not an issue. I jailbroke tonight after updating. I used the latest Seas0npass to do it. The only hangup was at the end -- but that was because I had my hosts file pointing at a non apple server for signatures. If you've jailbroken an iPhone, this might be your problem too. Seas0npass (as well as troubleshooting tips) can be found here:

As for the topic of the thread, I got Hulu+ to work and to load shows from my queue just fine. :) I'm going to call and cancel my cable tomorrow. Just follow the directions in the post I linked to above and be sure to install the update in the correct place. I assumed /Applications/XBMC.frappliance/Frameworks was up in the /mobile folder. I was wrong. It's at the root of the filesystem, so go there to upload the file after you've installed the addon.

Yay for Hulu+!!!!!

When you get a chance, could you tell me exactly which version of XBMC are you running? Thanks.
When you get a chance, could you tell me exactly which version of XBMC are you running? Thanks.

Not able to check at the moment, but it's the one installed with ATV Flash (black). I don't recall it updating itself, so it should be whichever one comes stock in that package (though, I think it just pulls the latest stable from the servers, no?).

I'll give you an exact build when I get home tonight, if you still need it.
Not able to check at the moment, but it's the one installed with ATV Flash (black). I don't recall it updating itself, so it should be whichever one comes stock in that package (though, I think it just pulls the latest stable from the servers, no?).

I'll give you an exact build when I get home tonight, if you still need it.

Thanks. I tried it with both 10.07 and 11.0, still doesn't work, still getting weird "handshake" errors. Don't think it matters that much which JB method you use, I'm guessing though. I installed the librtmp file along with the Hulu plugin (v2.9.1) and it still doesn't work (I'm guessing it's a handshake issue). Log files: (ATV2 10.0.7 XBMC) (ATV2 11.0 XBMC)

If anyone has any ideas of something else to try, I'd appreciate it. Everything else works pretty good on my system, this is vexing though.
Thanks. I tried it with both 10.07 and 11.0, still doesn't work, still getting weird "handshake" errors. Don't think it matters that much which JB method you use, I'm guessing though. I installed the librtmp file along with the Hulu plugin (v2.9.1) and it still doesn't work (I'm guessing it's a handshake issue). Log files: (ATV2 10.0.7 XBMC) (ATV2 11.0 XBMC)

If anyone has any ideas of something else to try, I'd appreciate it. Everything else works pretty good on my system, this is vexing though.

NEVER MIND. I re-installed the librtmp file for what seemed like the fifth or sixth time and now it works!!! Hulu on my XBMC!!! Now I never have to leave my house. :)

Cable TV, eat my poo.
NEVER MIND. I re-installed the librtmp file for what seemed like the fifth or sixth time and now it works!!! Hulu on my XBMC!!! Now I never have to leave my house. :)

Cable TV, eat my poo.

Word. I'll be calling Verizon to cancel my TV and up my FiOS bandwidth on Monday. :D

For the record, I've got 10.0-9 installed, which must be the most recent stable (as that's what loaded onto my iPad 2 today as well). Happy Hulu-ing to you! :apple:
So after reading all your guy's posts, and seeing that thread on AppleTV hacks, I was very worried I wouldn't be able to figure it out. I am not a total techie n00b, but when it comes to SFTPing and finding file paths using cyberduck and copying this that and the other thing into everywhere and installing from whatnot. I figured it out!!! I even have my queue on there! I figure if i can do it, just by going step by step and googleing things if i needed to find out how to do something, anyone can do it! I am frickin jacked now that not only does XBMC work like a charm, but now i have hulu?!? wow, life is just great. Apple and the people that make these repos and figure out how to jailbreak things are held to my utmost respect, this is amazing!

I am especially happy that I can FINALLY watch hulu on a TV! I never really wanted to have to pay to have plus because I never needed access to old seasons of shows. Goodbye watching hulu on a 13" screen!

Glad I got this discussion going, and happy hulu-ing!
hey all, new here but I have managed to put hulu on my ATV2 again following the following directions, and as the poster above noted you do have to go to the full root of the atv and find the Applications folder to put the librtmp file in and copy over the old one.

1) Go to bluecop's google download page, and grab both the librtmp.0.dylib file.
2) SSH into your device as the user root, and replace the librtmp.0.dylib file in /Applications/ with the new version (if you're the cautious type, backup the old one first, or just rename it.

In case you are wondering why I'd bother to install this on the iPad instead of using the native iOS app, the reason is simple: with this I have no commercials, and can fast forward/rewind or even direct access any point in the program. Needless to say, the experience is considerably more enjoyable.

thanks for the above to DaveIphone over at modmyi forums
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In addition to installing the plugin, you'll need to be running the latest nightly of XBMC (if you don't know what that means, you're not running it), and also replace a file in the XBMC app.

I'm not saying you're wrong; but I'm pretty sure you're not entirely right about this. I have 10.0-9 -- no nightly building here -- and have it successfully installed on two ATV2s. The ONLY thing you need to do to get it to work is to put the librtmp.0.dylib file in the specified location. Maybe it *does* work with the nightlies ... I'm just saying that you don't *need* the nightly to get it to work perfectly fine.
I'm not saying you're wrong; but I'm pretty sure you're not entirely right about this. I have 10.0-9 -- no nightly building here -- and have it successfully installed on two ATV2s. The ONLY thing you need to do to get it to work is to put the librtmp.0.dylib file in the specified location. Maybe it *does* work with the nightlies ... I'm just saying that you don't *need* the nightly to get it to work perfectly fine.

I agree here - I am pretty sure I don't have the nightly build, because I just did the basic XBMC install. I have watched at least one episode of Hulu through XBMC and it worked just fine.
I just reposted what I was shown on modmyi, but you are right, I am not using the nightly either, just 10.0-9, so we can disregard the nightly statement! Thanks for clearing that up, ill edit it out of the post!
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