It seems common for these machines to shoot up to 90C+, (in my case it is triggering the "overheat" warnings from HW Monitor).. I've seen theories that the fluid has leaked out of the heat pipe, and noticed many posts across the internet of people who have this problem despite replacing thermal compount (as I have with Arctic MX-4).
My hypothesis is that the heat pipe is simply not "tuned" to vaporize the fluid until around 80-90C. (If you don't understand heat pipe tech, you might need to study up on it for this to make sense.)>
I think that Apple may have done this to create the "silent" computer for minimalist applications, and just accepted that the heat pipe wasn't going to do any real cooling until the CPU Die hit 90C.
The prevalence of this condition makes me think it's less a "problem" than it is a design choice.
Further evidence for this hypothesis is that once the computer has hit 90-95C and the fans ramp up, as long as the applications are continuing to load the CPU (80%+ load) the temperatures restabilize to 80-85C.
Since smaller loads cause it to heat up quickly (Notion is the current culprit), but then the maintenance of those loads or even adding another CPU hog does not return it to that max.. So I'm thinking that the heat pipe is designed with a high vapor point, and this is the root of all these issues.
My hypothesis is that the heat pipe is simply not "tuned" to vaporize the fluid until around 80-90C. (If you don't understand heat pipe tech, you might need to study up on it for this to make sense.)>
I think that Apple may have done this to create the "silent" computer for minimalist applications, and just accepted that the heat pipe wasn't going to do any real cooling until the CPU Die hit 90C.
The prevalence of this condition makes me think it's less a "problem" than it is a design choice.
Further evidence for this hypothesis is that once the computer has hit 90-95C and the fans ramp up, as long as the applications are continuing to load the CPU (80%+ load) the temperatures restabilize to 80-85C.
Since smaller loads cause it to heat up quickly (Notion is the current culprit), but then the maintenance of those loads or even adding another CPU hog does not return it to that max.. So I'm thinking that the heat pipe is designed with a high vapor point, and this is the root of all these issues.