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macrumors P6
Original poster
Oct 23, 2010
Had Apple used a 326 ppi screen like the iPad mini 4 the Pro would be about 10.5". If you were in charge of the design, would you have gone with a 10.5" iPad Pro instead of the 12.9" model that we got?
why make it 10.5 if the air 2 is 9.7? Now if they straight up replaced the air with the 10.5 pro, thats a different story.
Portability, Pencil support, Smart Keyboard, better speakers, A9X, sharper screen. This would have made the iPad Pro roughly the size of the Surface (non-"Pro").

Obviously Apple made their design decision and isn't going back, but I think this could have been an interesting and compelling alternative design.
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I knew it wouldn't be long before someone theorizes that a size in between 9.7 and 12.9 would be perfect for them.
Except 10.5" was plausible. It would have the same PPI as the iPad mini, and a MacBook-style keyboard (i.e. no border) would have worked. An early complaint about the iPad Pro is the perceived waste of space on the home screen. That wouldn't be the case with a somewhat smaller screen.

For me, the main reluctance I have is the big bezel. Since the iPad mini and Air, Apple hasn't really done much to reduce the amount of "wasted space" in its displays. Their iOS devices now all basically have the same design formula as the iPhone (large bezels at the top and bottom, somewhat narrower ones at the side). What's fine for a phone isn't necessarily the best design for something the size of a notebook. The technology exists to change that.
I knew it wouldn't be long before someone theorizes that a size in between 9.7 and 12.9 would be perfect for them.
Except this isn't just some random theory of an in-between size; it is a specific size based on the iPad Pro resolution (2732 x 2048) and the iPad Mini ppi (326 pixels per inch)

why make it 10.5 if the air 2 is 9.7? Now if they straight up replaced the air with the 10.5 pro, thats a different story.
Exactly: 10.5" iPad Air Pro to replace the current 9.7" iPad Air.
I think this is very plausible and may be why the iPad Air did not get a refresh this year.

If they retain the same bezel thickness, the entire package would be about 0.64" taller and about 0.48" wider than the iPad Air.

The battery would probably shrink from 7340 mAh to about 6000 mAh.
This may give enough room for some of the nice iPad Pro style speakers; only three would be necessary, two on the bottom, and one on the upper left.
With just three speakers, only two can be in play for a given orientation, so sound would be 3dB quieter, but still should be pretty good.
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9.7" and even 11.6" are useless for productivity and I've owned both sizes. If it requires two hands around 13" or bigger is ideal. Three optimal sizes are 5.7" for pocket, 8" for one hand use and 13"+ for two hand use. A Pro Mini makes more sense while 9.7" needs to dropped.
Except this isn't just some random theory of an in-between size; it is a specific size based on the iPad Pro resolution (2732 x 2048) and the iPad Mini ppi (326 pixels per inch)

Yes, it is. The iPad Pro is the size it is to allow Apps to run side-by-side in split view, and actually be a useful size while doing so. This feature is the #1 driver of the product's size.
Portability, Pencil support, Smart Keyboard, better speakers, A9X, sharper screen. This would have made the iPad Pro roughly the size of the Surface (non-"Pro").

Obviously Apple made their design decision and isn't going back, but I think this could have been an interesting and compelling alternative design.

I don't see why it would be going back, it would be an additional model. In earlier MR threads I speculated or wished that there was an "iPad Pro Mini" release in the future, so maybe it's just in the next cycle. If there's room for an iPad Air 2 and iPad Mini 4 concurrently in the lineup, then it seems a mini version of the iPP could also coexist.

Except this isn't just some random theory of an in-between size; it is a specific size based on the iPad Pro resolution (2732 x 2048) and the iPad Mini ppi (326 pixels per inch)

Exactly. And others saying the iPP had to be THAT SIZE for it to perform the functions it does seems like a result of pretty narrow thinking.

Exactly: 10.5" iPad Air Pro to replace the current 9.7" iPad Air.
I think this is very plausible and may be why the iPad Air did not get a refresh this year.

I don't know about replace... the iPad Air 2 could still move downmarket and exist separately. A lot of people don't prefer the mini because of the small text, small touch objects, and so on. So an iPad Pro Mini would appeal to those who like the mini but want more power, and have less appeal to those who like things larger.
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Wow people really want Apple's lineups to get that messy? Do we really need a size between 9.7 and 12.9? If you need ultimate portability and the ability to easily hold the device in your hand without your arm getting tired get the Air or the mini.
Wow people really want Apple's lineups to get that messy? Do we really need a size between 9.7 and 12.9? If you need ultimate portability and the ability to easily hold the device in your hand without your arm getting tired get the Air or the mini.
It would be different if more models supported the Pencil. Hopefully the Air 3 does. I'd be fine with the current sizes in that case.
Had Apple used a 326 ppi screen like the iPad mini 4 the Pro would be about 10.5". If you were in charge of the design, would you have gone with a 10.5" iPad Pro instead of the 12.9" model that we got?

no 12.9 seems okay, in the presentation they apple said they wanted to make ipp the size of two ipad air 2 screen. You know when we split the screen its like you have 2 ipad airs in front of you.
The current iPad Pro promises to inspire hoards of existing Apple iDevice Accessory Makers to create a plethora of stands to support this heavy cumbersome model.

It's a well kept secret thus far, but make no mistake, no matter your hand size or arm strength this tablet needs support.

If it was made by Samsung the haters would have filed the forums with threads bashing its size and weight.
I dont think it's too far fetched to have a 10.5" iPad Pro. It's quite possible that Apple is going to branch the iPad Air and iPad Pro off into 2 lines, just like it did with Macbook Pro and Macbook Air.

It seems like they want to bring most of their customers to iPad.
On the first day I received the Pro I probably would have agreed with you. But after almost a week, I don't think that I would see the point of one that size. For me, I love the size and how much of a better experience it is for my workflow, smaller wouldn't have made much of a difference.
I need to be able to draw with my elbow, I'd rather not end up diagnosed with arthritis prematurely.

13" diagonally is the absolute minimum if you're going to shove pen tech inside of it.
The current iPad Pro promises to inspire hoards of existing Apple iDevice Accessory Makers to create a plethora of stands to support this heavy cumbersome model.

It's a well kept secret thus far, but make no mistake, no matter your hand size or arm strength this tablet needs support.

If it was made by Samsung the haters would have filed the forums with threads bashing its size and weight.

Well, Samsung does make tablets about this size. They also just released one that is 18".
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The current iPad Pro promises to inspire hoards of existing Apple iDevice Accessory Makers to create a plethora of stands to support this heavy cumbersome model.

It's a well kept secret thus far, but make no mistake, no matter your hand size or arm strength this tablet needs support.

If it was made by Samsung the haters would have filed the forums with threads bashing its size and weight.

Every day, every thread, there you are.

I hold the pro with one hand just fine. It's not cumbersome, heavy or unwieldy. It's a nice size and basically the same size as a pad of paper. I also don't need or want a stand. Not required for me.

Please continue making sweeping statements of your discord with apple. Soon enough you will just be ignored as you add nothing to the conversation.
Well, Samsung does make tablets about this size. They also just released one that is 18".
Funny you should mention it, I have the 18.6-inch Galaxy View tablet on order. It's the ideal size for use in my home. It comes with a very nicely designed ergonomic stand. Ideal for my movies, video, photos and the like. With what promises to be a gorgeous display it fits my use case exactly.
Had Apple used a 326 ppi screen like the iPad mini 4 the Pro would be about 10.5". If you were in charge of the design, would you have gone with a 10.5" iPad Pro instead of the 12.9" model that we got?
I noticed that the icons on the iPad Pro are slightly larger than the iPad Air and iPad Mini (167 pixels vs. 152 pixels) about 10%.
At 352 ppi the dislay would still be 9.7" at 2732 x 2048 (iPad Pro Resolution), and the icons would be about the same size as on the iPad mini (0.47").
I noticed that the icons on the iPad Pro are slightly larger than the iPad Air and iPad Mini (167 pixels vs. 152 pixels) about 10%.
At 352 ppi the dislay would still be 9.7" at 2732 x 2048 (iPad Pro Resolution), and the icons would be about the same size as on the iPad mini (0.47").

Which icons? Because if we are talking about the home screen, that's not really where things are important. Inside an app that's using Autolayout correctly, buttons are the same size as on the Air (same pixel size, same ppi). So compressing further would make application UI even smaller than it is on the Mini today. And one reason I returned both a non-retina and retina Mini was because of eye strain from the compressed UI. I wouldn't want that on a device the size of the Air.
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