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The Clark

macrumors 65816
Original poster
Dec 11, 2013
I've spend about a month and a half with the iPhone SE 2020 and I'm in love with it. I had an iPhone XS before and while it was an amazing phone, I did find it to be a little too big for my liking. The new SE (2020) feels a lot more comfortable to carry around and I love how light and portable it is. The screen is also very impressive. I was worried about going to a lower res display but Apple has done a wonderful job optimizing their LCD technology. The colors look alive, vivid and vibrant. It's also extremely powerful thanks to the A13 chip and I have to say well done to Apple for releasing this phone at such an affordable price.

I do have one complaint however, and it's soooo superficial it's almost embarrassing to mention but I hate how all of Apple's advertising focuses on their larger phones (XR, XS, 11/11 Pro etc.) for instance when the advertise the Apple Watch, it's always used in conjunction with their larger and more premium phones. I understand why, those are the phones that Apple is most invested in, that's where the innovation lies and those phones are going to keep the competitors on their toes but I really wish more people understood how awesome the SE is.
Same here!! I had originally upgraded to an 11 Pro from the first SE but found myself unhappy.

When I switched to the SE 2020 I immediately noticed the colors and viewing angles were superior to the 11 Pro. It's a great LCD.

It's a great phone. One of my favorite I've ever owned.
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I was not going to buy a bigger phone and I was going to have to live with my iPhone 8 for years, and Apple caved (not just for me) and developed the 2020 iPhone SE.

I'm glad to have a better phone with a stronger processor and similar battery life. I'm okay with my bezels the way they have been since my iPhone 4S.

I started to look at gaming phones running Android but dreaded another Android experience. Thankfully, I didn't need to do that.
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I was worried about going to a lower res display but Apple has done a wonderful job optimizing their LCD technology. The colors look alive, vivid and vibrant.

Agree, I have the iPhone 8 (which has the same display) and I like how good it is, there’s no other LCD display as good as this one.

I do have one complaint however, and it's soooo superficial it's almost embarrassing to mention but I hate how all of Apple's advertising focuses on their larger phones (XR, XS, 11/11 Pro etc.) for instance when the advertise the Apple Watch, it's always used in conjunction with their larger and more premium phones. I understand why, those are the phones that Apple is most invested in, that's where the innovation lies and those phones are going to keep the competitors on their toes but I really wish more people understood how awesome the SE is.

I think that Apple is keeping that for the upcoming 5,4 inch iPhone 12. I’m sure they will promote it as the portable iPhone, not the SE.
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Same here!! I had upgraded to an 11 Pro from the first SE. When I switched to the SE 2020 I swore the colors and viewing angles were superior to the 11 Pro. It's a great LCD.

It's a great phone. One of my favorite I've ever owned.

I'm waiting for my new white/red SE.
Still using my 1st gen SE since 2016.
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I assume you mean the black/red one unless you're having one customized?
That reminds me though—last year I swapped the guts of my 1st gen SE into a custom red/white housing. It was and is still gorgeous, though a bit limiting with case options.
Nice have you got images to share of it? Sounds awesome!
It's a great little phone. I just couldn't deal with the battery life.

For me, it easily lasts a full day but I really only use it for texting, browsing and social media. No gaming or any other demanding tasks. Brightness it usually 50%. I just hope that battery doesn't degrade too quickly!
For me, it easily lasts a full day but I really only use it for texting, browsing and social media. No gaming or any other demanding tasks. Brightness it usually 50%. I just hope that battery doesn't degrade too quickly!

Same here. Get at least 3 SOT hour and 6-10 hour Spotify / Apple Music pr day. Normally I use my iPad for Netflix and longer YouTube videos.

I have the SE2020 for my wife and she is absolutely in love with it. for the main tasks, like browsing, texting and social media - its the best compromise between price and technology.

also you can use it, because its more affordable - i use an xs and in the first time when it was new it was for me like raw eggs - because of the 1000€ plus price in europe...
I love my SE 2020. I actually came from an 11 Pro. I was given an 11 Pro from my company. Cool thing is that they don’t install any device management on it. So, I sold my 11 Pro and paid it off. Used the difference to buy the SE outright. I prefer using the SE for the size. Just easier for me.
I’m enjoying mine as well. Feels great not carrying a huge brick. I had a Pro Max. I can do pretty much everything I was doing with the Pro Max. I’m done with huge phones.
At ~$399 for 4.7 inch iPhone, what’s not to like about it? This phone probably would meet like 99% of consumers needs in terms of owning a smart phone. Ultimately, I’m curious to see if the iPhone SE ‘Plus’ variant does launch first quarter in 2021 according to Kuo/Prosser reports.
I almost did my final essay for my brand positioning class on iPhone. My mom, who upgraded to iPhone 11 in the fall under a promotion, overheard me talking about the new iPhone SE. She was like "what the hell, I was forced to a massive phone if I wanted a new iPhone, and now there's a new one exactly like my old one?" Insta-buy. She LOVES it. We sold her iPhone 11 for less than she bought it for (got under promotion) and Walmart got her the SE for $200 off. She's way up cost wise and spent two weeks telling me how much she loves her phone.

I have an iPhone X and am dead tempted to get an SE, but I'm really betting on this small iPhone 12. I run a tech business in the Bay Area and basically exclusively recommend the iPhone SE to all my clients looking to upgrade. I always open with "if you don't care about OLED and facial recognition-" and get cut off because they never are. When calling Verizon when we first explored the idea, the dude said about 95% of people calling to upgrade were going to an SE. It must be selling like hotcakes
There’s a weird trend at Apple which started last year where they seem to be creating products for a wide variety of people with features and prices that delight.

Glad you love your SE OP :)
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I’ve been going backwards since COVID-19. I downgraded first from pro Max 11 to xs Max. Gave my wife the pro Max. Now I sold my xs Max and got the Walmart (USA) deal for $199/249 64/128gb iPhone se 2020 model.
For $199/249 it is unbelievable price/functions/performance.

takes about 2 days to get use to the smaller screen. But I like the smaller form. I just switch phones so often. Android to iPhone etc. I will use the se2020 for 3 Months before I spend $1300-1400 on iPhone 12 pro Max 5G

but the se 2020 is the best bang for the buck.
Will enjoy mine even more when it is no longer a work phone. Some bugs with iOS 13.5.1 (and touch irresponsiveness too :(), but outside of that, very happy to have a smaller phone again. It’s wonderful in the hand, and is nice to use. The battery life isn’t great, but that isn’t a dealbreaker. I’ve been forced to use it on LTE here at home due our WiFi connectivity issues.

I like mine a lot.
Each to their own. I’m not really sure why anyone would buy the iPhone 6ssss
Alternate question: why would any average user not? I suspect your perception is based on people around you who may have a similar interest in tech like you. You have enough interest in tech and apple products to have an account and participate in a forum about Apple rumors, and so your sample may not be very representative of the market.

Think about the average user: Sally, Nancy, John, Carol (random names that came to mind). Think what they want to do: they want to not run out of space, not have a slow phone, browse email, take a picture of their pets and have 930 tabs but only care about them once. The iPhone SE does that. They don't care about facial recognition. When you bring that up, they'll say "but I like the fingerprint reader". They don't care if its better or not (up to debate for some). They don't even know what OLED is. They may go "that's nice" but they have to spend over double the price of the iPhone SE to get there. The wide angle lens "fun" feature, far from necessary to capture your memories. And I can tell you for certain most of my clients don't use the telephoto lens.

This is why I almost did my brand positioning essay on Apple. My question was going to be: How do you justify the $1,000 iPhone 11 Pro when you can have the $400 iPhone SE? They run the same processor, same OS, enough memory for the average user. It's familiar, and these users are also probably fatigued of the grossly expensive phone prices. As far as I see, you have to spend $600 to get two cameras you will use to show your friends (for many casual users), OLED, and facial recognition. Even as a tech nerd, that's a really hard value proposition.

Call my bias if you want. A lot of those "upgrades" can be found on used iPhone XS's for sub $500 too in excellent condition (source: Swappa). Not everyone likes the used market, but that's a thin number of features for $600. I'm not even sure how you justify the 11 Pro over the 11. You have to really want those camera's and OLED.
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