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Do you have any diploma, certificate, or courses in what it is they ask? If the answer to that is no then you may very well be turned down. We have a small development studio here in my home province (Other Ocean) and they wanted people to have college courses even to apply for the simplest of positions like Game Testers.. back when that was a thing.

From you we have seen unique works, mostly all digital drawings/paintings. This IS something they are looking for but two items stand out that I don't think you have and will be a major factor:

- UI Design
- Photoshop/Zbrush

Zbrush is one heavy application and chances are they are going to want you fluent with it seeing as you'll be a concept artist. And this is one program you won't be able to download and learn it in a few days, it'd take many moons. UI design, well... that isn't as bad to learn as Zbrush but presents its own unique challenges. Like knowing how to match the UI style to the style of the game. It's one thing to design a nice interface, but that's irrelevant if that nice UI doesn't fit at all with the project.

I'd pass on this for now and continue to hone your craft.
I just use the iPad for everything, except Illustrator which I use my Macbook Air for. I can get around anything Photoshop or posisbly Zbrush does using the iPad and my own way or combining multiple apps by moving the PSD design or file I am working on between Procreate and Artstudio (Artstudio for the filters or effects and transforms and Procreate for the brushes). I also am adept at Photoshop if I have to use it but like I said a combination of these apps and the added benefit of me using an Apple Pencil make up for Photoshop imo.
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I can get around anything Photoshop or posisbly Zbrush does using the iPad and my own way or combining multiple apps by moving the PSD design or file I am working on between Procreate and Artstudio (Artstudio for the filters or effects and transforms and Procreate for the brushes).
No. Simply no.

They will not care that you can use alternatives to try and "re-create" something. They WANT you to use Photoshop and they WANT you to use Zbrush. There's no getting around that. It's part of the job.

They won't hire an artist to come in and just work how he or she wants, you'll work the way the company wants you to using the set software and policies they have in place. They need all of their staff on the same level, and that doesn't work if one or two of the artists is doing all of their work on an iPad, while everyone else is using a Windows based workstation with ZBrush.
UI design is one thing I have no experience with. But I believe this is a position for only gaming concept artwork and not an all around guy espert on every wspect of digital art and graphic design?
You cannot force someone to work with something they are not comfortable with and it would be stupid or pointless to shoehorn or force something like Adobe down someones throwt esprcially if they can make things better using alternative software than if they used it or do the same thing with other software. I believe BYOD is mandated now so they cant technically force you to do anything if the company has a BYOD policy in place. Also, this more thsn likely is a remote or telecommute position so they wont even know what Im using nor should I care as long as I wow thrm with my works.
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Ehy eould a company shoehorn something like Adobe down someone’s throwt if they can get wround to it using their software or it impedes thir work or make it twke longer what they could do using an apple pencil or stylus? thats like forcing leonardo da vinci to not use paint brushes but pwstels or something wnd make their work potentially fakter or even ruin it.
Plus ArtStudio and Procreate can save or export in psd or Photoshop formats, so if they need any edits, I can export this way. But what is something I would need Photoshop for both those apps replace literally doen to almost all effects once you look further enough or dig into these wpps you can pretty much do it all.
Ehy eould a company shoehorn something like Adobe down someone’s throwt if they can get wround to it using their software or it impedes thir work or make it twke longer what they could do using an apple pencil or stylus?
It's because Photoshop is the industry standard. That's why.
Plus ArtStudio and Procreate can save or export in psd or Photoshop formats, so if they need any edits, I can export this way.
Yeah, the reason they export to .PSD is, once again, because Photoshop is the industry standard.
A good company will offer an artist freedom of expression or some flexibility though. I know the basics of Photoshop and can use it if I have to or can relearn it since zi have not used it in some yrs and have multiple online courses and books on it if I wanted to but everything I do I can do without it. Plus like I said the final work is what should matter not what apps you use to create it. Plus they dont have to know what I use.
What would you rather have: the best possible poster or game or novel cover artwork you can think of with just one stipulation of not asking too many questions how it was created and using what or control every little aspect of it wnd end up with **** or some typical work everyone else does?
Everything you keep saying is irrelevant banter.

They have their requirements set. If you don't like them, then do not apply for the job, as they will pay no mind that you don't agree with them. They will just keep the posting up until someone comes along and fulfills the requirement.
Nobody is going to force me to use Adobe products outside illustrator as I can do better works using alternatives and hate Adobe with a passion for various reasons notably how slow their software is, how you have to unselect and reselect selections using different arrow tools driving me mad even after clicking on a tool, and how overpriced and crappily designed most Adobe products are. Not going to happen there.
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I mean why would I use software thwt impedes my progress or makes my art worse? I do use aillustrwtor and soemtimes I inout my raster imagine into it and back into raster tot urly create interesting stuff since my apps have clone tools and expand or liquify which Illustrstor does not. and as long as the final image does not have to be a vector or saved in vector it can produce interesting resutls and I also use it to trace hand drawn things. But why would I jse photoshop in this day and age when even industry professionals on youtube are saying theyre using Procrewte or Sketchbook over it? Plenty of people use alternatives and it shouldnt matter in this day and age as they are compatible file formats with .psd.
Nobody is going to force me to use Adobe products oitside zillustrator as I can do better works using alternatives and hate Adobe with a passion for various reasons notably how slow their software is, how you hav eto unselect and reselect selections using different arrow tools driving me mad even after clicking on a tool, and how overpriced snd crappily designed most Adobe products are. Not going to happen there.
Maintain that train of thought, and you'll maintain not having a job with pretty much any game developer/design studio. Unless you start your own, that is.
I mean why would I use software thwt impedes my progress or makes my art worse?
If your process/progress doesn't fit their requirements you won't work there. Couldn't be anymore clear cut then that.
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As long as you have the creative and technical skills and the portfolio work to demonstrate these, you are good.

But in the job ad they require you to have good 3d art skills and zBrush character sculpting, which you completely lack.

You have no chance landing this job without excellent zBrush skills and a thorough knowledge of 3d texturing. Looking at your portfolio I notice you have no 3d work at all.

And I agree with Buttongerald: you must adapt to the software pipeline of the company.
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Well maybe they can make do while I learn via Udemy or something the 3d skills. I have an Udemy course I biught for Blender which may be just the ticket. I hear good companies even pay for employee training if they see prospects or something they like from the employee so me focusing on my strengths or flat raster work while learning the other stuff in the meantime would be along this train of thought. Maybe if they like my work enough and it is super similar to their style of game they make they can let the other stuff even slide and freelance it out.

I’ve already applied anyway. 11 bit studio also recently turned me down but that was before I created my more recent and bets stuff.
I mean no one can know everything. would you rather hire a master of one or a master or none jack of all trades?
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That is why you hire multiple people: one guy for flat or 2D art, another for 3D work and a third for animation. Why would any sane company expect one person to do it all efficiently?
What do you guys think are my chances of me actually getting it?

Given all your subsequent replies, I'd say zero.

Any worker must be able to adapt to what the company requires. You work for them, not the other way around.

Your mindset here is very negative and I'd never hire someone with your point of view as you sound very inflexible.
Since you are applying for jobs at game studios, AND asking for feedback, I am going to be very blunt: no game studio in this world is going to hire you. Not with your current skill level. And no studio who needs someone with great/excellent 3d skills will train you if you have nothing to show for in this area.

Do you have an ArtStation account yet? Just about any (concept) artist looking for work has an ArtStation account. That is the level you would be competing against.

That is why you hire multiple people: one guy for flat or 2D art, another for 3D work and a third for animation. Why would any sane company expect one person to do it all efficiently?

Because game (concept) artists are often expected to be good at both 2d and 3d work. And a game studio may not have the means to pay for two specialists, rather opting for someone who is good enough in both, or perhaps excels in one of the two, and good enough in the other.

But based on your comments here, I would say that even IF your work had the quality level required to land a job at a game studio, you'd still be let go for being quite inflexible. You either adapt to the studio's workflow and software pipeline, or you are booted out. Simple as that.
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You have a lot of good, interesting work, but it might be a long shot. You may do better work in non-Adobe apps, but quality means nothing if it can't be used by your coworkers. In my experience, even though your apps can export to Photoshop doesn't mean it's 100% compatible. Plus, your coworkers may feel the same about your apps the way you feel about Adobe. Even if they prefer your apps, the expense of buying new software (and possibly hardware) for all of your coworkers might be prohibitive.

I mean no one can know everything. would you rather hire a master of one or a master or none jack of all trades?

That is why you hire multiple people: one guy for flat or 2D art, another for 3D work and a third for animation. Why would any sane company expect one person to do it all efficiently?

I don't know this company, nor how it's set up. Maybe it's like the school district I work in: I'm in IT, and work in a first responder, jack of all trades position. When someone has a technology issue, they come to me first. Many things I do are forgotten passwords, or set up or replace equipment. Can I know or do everything? No, of course not. That is why we have a higher tier of IT workers. We have one guy who does hardware, one who does software/networking, and another who does iPad stuff. This way, I could do the basic stuff, so the higher tier guys have the time to do the more complex stuff. Perhaps this company and job is like that: maybe this job is the lower level guy, and there are higher-ups who take your work and make it better. I don't know.

However, I would suggest you at least try. You have a lot of good work, and the worst they can say is "Sorry, we went with a different applicant."
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Well I believe this is a game srudio that operates on a global matter with workers in different parts of the world working collaboratively and telecommuting. I think thes tudio thwt made aori and the blind forest and the recent sequel operates like this:

So they would never see my software or what I use and I would export it in any format including preserve layers as pdf or psd. Either way, have you guys seen their games? I dont believe any of their cover or intor game art or even in game pixel art is anything I could not do. the moons studio above would be much harder to I think follow or keep up with but I simply could use Procreate with no texture filters for that since they seem to like very colorful hues (bright) and little textures or roughness like ai usually do.

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Well I believe this is a game srudio that operates on a global matter with workers in different parts of the world working collaboratively and telecommuting. I think thes tudio thwt made aori and the blind forest and the recent sequel operates like this:

So they would never see my software or what I use and I would export it in any format including preserve layers as pdf or psd. Either way, have you guys seen their games? I dont believe any of their cover or intor game art or even in game pixel art is anything I could not do. the moons studio above would be much harder to I think follow or keep up with but I simply could use Procreate with no texture filters for that since they seem to like very colorful hues (bright) and little textures or roughness like ai usually do.
Don’t you guys think this would be a perfect intro piece for the beginning of one of their games? with the text scrolling from the left side?


Who are you trying to convince here?

One of two things are going to happen if you apply for the job:

1) You'll get the job or
2) You won't get the job.

Arguing and attempting to justify yourself here won't make a scrap bit of difference to either of those two outcomes.

You got multiple folk responding to you. If you don't like those responses then that's totally fine; Ignore them and apply for the position.
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I applied already but it seems it is a Spanish language only application so I dont even know what it said. I also got turned down by 11 Bit Studios recently and that positionw as here in my town whee I’m at. May try CD Projekt Red soon.
What is hilarious is they sent me an email one of those BS corporste emails clsiming they choose someone else but the job posting is still there as we speak:

Because its a company whose games I like and follow the exact same art style and direction of the stuff I create on my free time for free?
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