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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 9, 2006
So i made a mistake. i jailbroke my phone awhile ago, but forgot about it really. i did it more or less to see what all the fuss was about.
So the update came out and i just thought i would update using itunes, thus overwriting the hacked version of 2.0.1 or whatever it was i was running earlier. It didnt.
I ran the update, then it said the iphone is updated, this message will go away in 10 seconds and the phone is restarting. It restarted, then the apple with the progress bar appeared on the phone for a second time, then itunes gives me the error that it cannot update the iphone.
so i put it in recovery mode and tried selecting a different ipsw, one from an earlier date i had saved. it would install it then it restarts the phone and itunes tries to connect to the app store. but it cant. it tries for about 5 minutes then just gives me the same error.

I am wondering if theres a way i can just completely wipe it and install a fresh version of 3.0 or 2.1.033 or whatever their last 2.0 update was. Or if anybody has had the same problem, and knows what i could do?? Having no phone, although its relaxing, will get problematic eventually im sure. thanks in advance my internet warriors.
Just use the Restore option in iTunes instead of Update. It should restore it to factory settings.
i have run the restore option, and the restore update, both of which do the same thing. it looks like it works, it installs it on the phone supposedly. the phone has the apple with the progress bar, then when its complete it reboots. but when it reboots the apple and progress bar reappear, but it finishes fast, then just goes straight into emergency mode.

*Also, no i never had the 3.0 beta.
It goes into emergy mode? You mean were you can slide for emergency call?
Then it means your phone hasn't been activated.
I have a similar problem. I have (had) an unlocked and jailbroken 2g, that was on 2.2.1 using pwnage tool (mac). I upgraded (not restored) to 3.0, as per ihackint0sh directions (thanks vinay), and now im bricked (emergency calls only). iTunes stuck at 8.2, cant go back to 8.1, so im stuck waiting for a fix from the devteam...hoping....waiting...1 day so far without my iphone seems like an eternity...
Create a new user account on your computer.

Open up iTunes there, once you do that plug the phone into the computer. Put your iPhone into DFU mode by doing this.

Step 1. Turn off your iPhone.

Step 2. Hold down the power and home button.

Step 3. When you see the Apple logo, release the power button but continue holding the home button down.

Step 4. Open iTunes and wait for it to tell you that its in restore mode.

Then what will happen is it will download a fresh copy of 3.0 onto the computer. Then it should go though the process without an issue.
I experienced a similar issue last night that scared the **** out of me. My iPhone was stuck in boot mode with a pineapple all night. Here is what I did to fix it. Put the phone into DFU mode and then iTunes will see the phone as a USB device. Hit "restore" from there.

Steps to put it into DFU mode.
I experienced a similar issue last night that scared the **** out of me. My iPhone was stuck in boot mode with a pineapple all night. Here is what I did to fix it. Put the phone into DFU mode and then iTunes will see the phone as a USB device. Hit "restore" from there.

Steps to put it into DFU mode.

Ive done that already, and for some reason it doesnt work. It says "verifying iphone restore" in itunes, and the iphone has the apple and the progess bar on it, then it says its complete and restarting the phone. The phone reboots, then the apple and the progress bar reappears and it says in itunes that it was unable to restore the phone.

Also, i tried creating a new local user and trying to restore it, but itunes was unable to connect to store. i tried using my old account, as well as tried creating a new account. neither options were working. it doesnt make much sense at all really.

i dont even want it jailbroken anymore. i have purchased the apps i care to have legitimately through itunes, if i could throw a legit version of 3.0 or 2.0 and just load my old apps on i would be stoked.

any more ideas perhaps??
Maybe try disconnecting from the internet while you are updating to 3.0...kind of like the trick for Wednesday when the apple servers crashed..just a thought.
Actually I've had a similar problem though the 2.2.1 version that was on the iphone before upgrade was not jailbroken.

I figured out that the problem was actually with the ipsw that iTunes automatically downloaded. For all that's apple, iTunes does not verify the integrity of the downloaded update file. So if the update file is corrupt, you will face the exact same problem that you are facing.

Copy the direct download link from here for your particular version of iphone.

Paste it in the browser and download the ipsw file through the browser. If you are using a Mac, you can do "diff <new downloaded file name with path> <the file iTunes downloaded>" If diff reports that the files are different, you've nailed your problem down.

Now Option-Click or Shift-Click(Windows) and choose the file you downloaded. I think you will be fine now. You don't need to set your iPhone in DFU mode.

Don't try going back. I think if you've attempted an install of 3.0, it cannot downgrade. I had problems with that, even in DFU mode.

Note: If the restore with the new downloaded 3.0 software doesn't work, then try the DFU mode download. If these two also fail, try doing the restore in Windows. (or Mac if you already did in Windows)
If these two also fail, try doing the restore in Windows. (or Mac if you already did in Windows)

Weird, that worked!!!
I dl the ipsw from your provided link, but it didnt work. i cant really make sense of it. i tried numerous different ipswzzzz but none of them would work properly.
When i restored it in windows it worked instantly. It didnt have to install the package onto the phone then unpack it or any of that. it appeared to already have the software properly installed, just itunes wouldnt activate the tele. under my windows box, it recognized it and activated it immediatly.

Again i thank you. i dont think i would have tried that (restoring under different os). you, sir/ma'am, are the prince/queen of the internet. thanks!!!
Create a new user account on your computer.

Open up iTunes there, once you do that plug the phone into the computer. Put your iPhone into DFU mode by doing this.

Step 1. Turn off your iPhone.

Step 2. Hold down the power and home button.

Step 3. When you see the Apple logo, release the power button but continue holding the home button down.

Step 4. Open iTunes and wait for it to tell you that its in restore mode.

Then what will happen is it will download a fresh copy of 3.0 onto the computer. Then it should go though the process without an issue.

didn't work for me either... thought it was going to but it told me my phone was not registered...then i was told my simcard is either locked or not in... so i took otu my sim and reinserted it now i got this message "unknown error occured(0xe8000065)"
so I'm thinkin the server crash last wednesday that killed my phone(mine wasn't jail broken) fried my sim card?
worst part is U.P.S. doesn't believe the island i live on exists so my service provider can't and wont send me a replacement phone
i'm fully fudged!!!!

so in an hour or three i guess I'll find out if direct downloading the update will fix my phone but so far it looks like my sim card is screwed!!!
Paste it in the browser and download the ipsw file through the browser. If you are using a Mac, you can do "diff <new downloaded file name with path> <the file iTunes downloaded>" If diff reports that the files are different, you've nailed your problem down.

Now Option-Click or Shift-Click(Windows) and choose the file you downloaded. I think you will be fine now. You don't need to set your iPhone in DFU mode.

Note: If the restore with the new downloaded 3.0 software doesn't work, then try the DFU mode download. If these two also fail, try doing the restore in Windows. (or Mac if you already did in Windows)[/QUOTE]

as to this i dont know what this diff u speak of is but i do know i got three dmg's from that download one that needs a password to open and two that have errors and won't open... wtf?
plugged it into someone else comp and it started working fine....
just can't restore it through my phone anymore?
didn't even have to switch what os i was using(from mac to windoze)
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