is in everyone's head. go take a psych course and learn about optical illusions.
LOL Whatever you're on I want some.
Actually it's not funny I've sent back three 24" 2,8ghz iMacs BECAUSE OF THE GRADIENT and backlight bleeding. Actually that's a lie, because the 2nd one the tech guy at Apple support recalled due to the irritating buzzing when I dimmed the screen, but it also had backlight bleeding and a gradient. Now when that comes to statistics and random sampling, it says a lot.
The countless conversations I have had with Apple Customer relations who have admitted to me that there HAVE BEEN problems with SOME of the screens, though they like to think that the problem is solved now, though judging by many of the posts recently I don't think so, but I believe it is better.
Actually today I was in one of the local stores which sell Apple machines and looking at the 24" on display it looked fine. But I have to say that after being bitten 3 times I too wouldn't touch a current Al iMac with a barge pole. My honest recommendation is to wait for the next upgrade, hopefully by then Apple will have fixed many of the issues haunting this one.
But please get one thing clear, Apple want to sell perfect machines. If you get a machine with a small gradient or is a bit uneven around the screen's edges, of if there is some backlight bleeding, who says this isn't just going to get worse over time? These machines are an expensive investment for many users and at the end of the day you should get what you pay for. If it isn't then send it back. Trust me, in my experience Apple Customer Relations is the best, if only their Al iMacs were of the same quality.
It's annoying becaues the screen panel that Apple use for the 24" iMac is one of the best on the market, maybe it's because Apple wants to comply with all these green, liberal wishy washy nutters, that they have sacrificed something when it comes to putting all the components together into such a small space. I don't know, all I know is that in my personal experience I think this machine is a lemon.
I must admit the Mac Pro far exceeds all my needs, but if you're going to do it, then you might as well do it properly.