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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 29, 2009
Ok, So I accidently broke my 3GS...
Heres the story:
I went to plug in my phone for a charge and it was hard to put in but I managed to it in. When it was done charging it was fairly hard to get out. I wiggled it and the right side came out but the left side was still in so I put the right side back in and pulled again and the USB cord finally came out...but, I could not get the USB cord back into the phone. I looked in the USB entrance and the left side of the line in the USB entrance is broken.

I have an appointment with my local apple store tomorrow, so wish me luck!
I was also going to ask if I could swap by 32GB black for 32GB white...think they will? I read that one person had a 16GB and asked for a 32GB and just paid the difference and they let him. What do you think?
I witnessed someone that was trying to switch and the Genius and Store Manager both said no. But, that's just what I witnessed. If you were wanting to upgrade, they'd be happier to listen I imagine.
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