Agreed...but you'll never convince the lillo777, SamCraigs, and especially the Dave1812Dave's out there.
They 'think' (because it's argument) that it will be so much better. They point to the 'leaked specs' how much lighter it is...blah..blah..blah. The 'leaked specs' on my toaster said it came with a blonde who would toast my buns every morning
The ONLY way something built with netbook leftovers is ever going to really complete is running Android. *(yeah, I am an Apple fanboy...but I will give them their due)
Look at the Lenova S10 Tablet's basically the same hardware / software but reviews say it's 'meh'. Short battery life, so-so performance, and windows 7 starter is not 'multi-touch' aware. You have to run something on top of it or pay to upgrade your OS.
Read the reviews on Amazon site here...
Oh..found this one by Asus...some of the same complaints as the Lenova...
I am using a Lenova workstation now...nothing wrong with their build quality. The problem is making something that is robust AND cheap....not an easy pair.
Someone should archive these posts and let's trot them out in late 2010 (early 2011) when the HP Slate is produced. When we get to see the final product. Nothing wrong with HP quality either. I like HP but without sacrificing somewhere (which is what Apple is accused of) there is no way they can bring this to market.
Wait..Same or Dave...before you hit "reply"....I get don't like don't have to give me a rebuttal....
The following is at the bottom of the newest review of the ASUS tablet...I find it extremely funny...please read...
"...I was initially very angry with this netbook, as Asus make a deceiving marketing video giving false expectation of the netbook, but as time went on this netbook grew on me. It makes a nice toy for reading and watching movies on the move, it is a cross between a iphone and a netbook. But as a first generation touchscreen netbook, it is not much of a productive tool in it's current form..."
ahahahahahah...yeah...Netbook Tablets Rule \M/ \M/