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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 2, 2009
Have had my iPhone for a month and have already encountered minor problem.

When I ring people or recieve a call, the others cannot hear me [or any sound] when I'm talking.
The only way for people to hear me is press the SPEAKER button. Once on loudspeaker I can be heard [not as clear but crackly]

Have tried rebooting, restoring, unplugging headhones in/out ..etc
Am running Vers, 2.2.1 on 3G

Do any of you talented people have any Tips/Tricks that may help me.

Cheers. Thanks in advance
Had the same problem, the only fix was to get it replaced. Luckily I found that out 5 days after getting the phone.
Can't be heard

I had the same thing happen. Found out that a miniscule amount of dust had lodged in the earplug hole on top, so the phone thought I had earplugs still plugged in. So I took canned air and gave it a shot of air, then it started working fine.
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