Ok, here's the deal. All issues aside, I need a PC for some stuff. The thing is, I refuse to buy a cheap piece of crap, but I don't really have the cash to blow on a nice rig. I'd like to build something that would at least play some games modestly (mainly RTS's and games that don't get to the 360). I've looked at buying a canned system from one of the big chains, but I just am not completely thrilled about that. The other issue is, I haven't built a system since, well..... it had an AMD T-Bird 800 MHz in it. I've been browsing various sites and have even returned to good old Tom's hardware. I'm just struggling with information overload I guess.
I guess what I need is just some real world advice with what you guys have had experience with. I'd like to keep it in the $700 dollar range (I'm still in college and just bought a house so I can't use dad's anymore). If anyone has any advice, I'd greatly appreciate it.
I guess what I need is just some real world advice with what you guys have had experience with. I'd like to keep it in the $700 dollar range (I'm still in college and just bought a house so I can't use dad's anymore). If anyone has any advice, I'd greatly appreciate it.