The movie is ok. It shows the key features pretty well but the quality/focus of the footage could be greatly improved. Try to use fixed or manual focus mode, if you have it on your camera. If not, try borrowing a friend's camera with that ability. Ideally, both your camera and your iphone should be completely fixed/steady. It would greatly improve your demonstration. The Apple's iphone commercials are a perfect example of that. Watch them closely a few times and notice how everything is perfectly steady.
Also perfectly illustrated in the iPhone commercials, is the need to tighten your editing, by trimming all the non-action (footage where absolutely nothing is happening) out of your footage. In fact, if you really trim your editing you could probably easily fit your whole demo into a single loop, or at the most 2, of the music you are using, which would be a great improvement over what you got right now.
Movie aside, I really, really like your app. It does a great job at addressing many of the more annoying shortcomings of the iphone's address book/dialer app. I just downloaded it and I will work with it over the weekend. Expect more honest feedback from me.
My first contribution: Nothing makes your app looks more unprofessional than bad spelling left inside your app, especially on your buttons - the button that comes up when you click on the Top 5 says: "It's makes sense" when it should say: "It Makes Sense".
2nd. Consider giving an option to customize the Top 5 list to a Top "whatever number" list. Or at least a Top 5, 10 or 20 list. ATT has recently started offering their own Top 10 free calling list, for example.
Better still, consider having one of your default groups (you already have Family , Friends and Work) be a "Top 5 and/or 10" group that would AUTOMATICALLY be created and continuously updated by your calling history! Now that would be a wow feature!
But so far you started very strongly. Keep up the great work!
More to come...